The moment I knew.

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The guests started coming inside the huge hall where Taylor's birthday celebration was being held. Taylor looked around the room as guests passed by and wished her a happy birthday , she faked smiles so many times , trying to hide her emptiness. "Happy Birthday Tay !" Taylor heard Niall's voice. Taylor turned around and looked at him and again faked a smile , "Thanks Ni ! I am so happy that you came !" Taylor said trying to be happy but she knew she couldn't be happy until he comes. "He haven't come yet right ?" Niall said sadly as he knew that Taylor was faking everything. Taylor nodded and looked down , "He must be busy Ta-" Niall said but Taylor cut him off , "I know , he must be busy." Taylor said and smiled and walked away.

Taylor looked around the room , everyone laughing and dancing but all she needed was him here.

Taylor looked at the door , wishing that he would burst through the door with his cheshire cat smile and flash his green eyes. "Taylor !" Liam said as he saw her distracted , "Huh ? Sorry I-what were you saying ?" Taylor said and looked at Liam , "I was saying that would you like to dance with us ?" Liam said pointing at himself and Sophia. "No , you go ahead , I need to go to bathroom." Taylor said and walked away. "He should've come early." Liam whispered to Sophia and she nodded.

"He said he'd be here." Taylor thought as she walked to the bathroom.
Taylor went inside the bathroom , She stood infront of the sink and rinsed her face with water as tears rolled down my eyes continously. The door burst open to reveal Sophia and Eleanor. "Harry said he'd be here." Taylor said hopelessly and broke down infront of them. Taylor knew they are more closer to him but she needed to let it all out. "Shh Taylor it's okay , Harry will be here soon." Eleanor said as Sophia and Eleanor hugged her. Taylor sobbed more.

Taylor wiped the tears as Eleanor and Sophia helped her with the makeup. They walked out of the bathroom and joined everyone.

Taylor stood in between Eleanor , Louis , Sophia, Liam and Niall as everyone chanted "Happy birthday to you." While she cut the cake , "Happy birthday , happy birtbday !" Everyone cheered but she kept her eyes on the door. She faked a smile as she gave the first piece of cake to Niall because right now he was the closest of her friends , but she wanted it to be Harry instead of Niall.

It was all like slow motion the way she stood in the middle of the room wearing her party dress and red lipstick and the way everyone looked at her but she had no one to impress but Harry, but he was not there.

"Taylor please cheer up ! It's your birthday ! Harry would be here soon and we know it !" Louis said , trying to lighten Taylor's mood which was not helping at all. "How are you ?" Niall asked in concern but Taylor ignored everyone and ran out of the party with tears streaming down her face. She did not know what to do because the one she wanted the one who meant to her so much wasn't there.

Taylor sat on the floor of her apartment crying and her phone buzzed , she looked at the caller ID and it was Harry , Taylor wiped her tears and answered the call. "Hello-hello ?" Taylor said , she heard Harry sigh , "I'm sorry Tay , I
Couldn't make it." Harry said then Taylor let out a deep breath she did not even knew she was holding. "I am sorry too." Taylor said and ended the call. That was the moment she knew.


This sucks 😂


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