Everything will be okay

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Harrys POV

I walked inside the club with the rest of the boys and smirked as the girls in the club were dancing around. "Lets enjoy shall we ?" Niall shouted over the loud music that was playing. We all shouted a "Yes" and we made our way to the bar. I sat on the stool and ordered a drink. I drowned 2 shots of tequilla. I stood up from the stool and walked to the dance floor. I danced like an idiot with Niall and Liam while Louis was hitting on some girl. "Work work work." We sang on the top of our lungs as "Work" by Rihanna played loudly in the club.

Soon I was tired of dancing, "I'm going to the restroom." I shouted over the loud music to Niall, he nodded and I walked away. On my way to the restroom I bumped into someone, I looked up and my green orbs met a pair of ocean blue eyes which were so mesmerizing. "Tay-Taylor ?" I mumbled , and then realisation hit me, it was none other than Taylor Swift, my ex. "Harry ?!" She said and we both burst out laughing, she hugged me and I hugged her back , we both pull back from the hug and smile at each other. "It's been such a long time since we last met!" She exclaimed. "I know right ?! I missed you." I said and she smiled and soon it turned into an awkward mess , the sound of drunk stangers shouting and the sound of the loud music was the only thing that was being heard. "I-I well I gotta go." She said and I nodded , "Good to see you again." I said , as I was about to hug her she walked away, leaving me stand there awkwardly.

I sighed as I walked away , I entered the restroom, I washed my face and wiped it with the towel. I shook my head as if trying to forget about Taylor. I got out of the restroom and walked back to the bar, I sat on the stool and watched everyone, I came here to be happy, to enjoy , I thought I moved on from Taylor but I guess I was wrong, it's been 3 years and I still cannot forget her. How can I forget her beautiful smile ? Her beautiful eyes ? Or the way she laughs or the way she sleeps with her mouth slightly open and the way she used to wake up early in the morning just to watch me sleep and make funny videos of me ? I cannot forget the Taylor I fell in love with. But I guess this Taylor was a different Taylor, not the one who I used to know, this one is a care-free Taylor and a more happy Taylor, maybe I wasn't enough for her or maybe the timing was just not right.

"Harry" I heard someone say my name, I turned my head to the right to see Taylor sitting next to me, "Oh Taylor." I said and she smiled, "Sorry for the thing that happened back there well it just got awkward and you know me, I-I just can't handle situations like that." She rambled and I chuckled, "It's okay Taylor, by the way nice dress." I said and winked , ahe laughed throwing her head back just like she used to. "Thank you." She said and smiled, "So what brought you here ?" I asked , "Well you know Lily right ?." She asked and I nodded , "She was leaving New York tomorrow so she wanted to spend the night with me and other friends in this club." Taylor said with a shrug, I smiled and nodded. "Well Mr Styles what brought you here ?" She asked, "Me and the boys had an interview here and we were free today so we decided to come here and enjoy ourselves." I said and she nodded looking down. "So how's life ?" I asked her , she looked up and I swear I could see some tears in her eyes. "Good, the way I want it to be." She said and I could tell that something is wrong. "Are you okay Taylor ?" I asked her, she just nodded and kept looking down, I cupped her cheeks and made her look at me. Her eyes were shining because of the tears streaming down her face and it made me upset seeing her like this. "Shh what's wrong, you can tell me anything." I whispered , she suddenly hugged me tightly with her arms around my neck and her face nuzzled in the crook of my neck. I sighed and rubbed her back in a comforting way. "Harry it's just so difficult , I always think that I have moved on but then something happens and I always start thinking of you and I-I just can't forget you ! Stop haunting me every night in my dreams ! Stop loving me ! Stop reaching out for me !" She yelled still hugging me , tears brickered in my eyes and I sighed. "I still love you Taylor." I said and she pulled back, "What ?" She mumbled, "Yes, I still love you, I-I just can't help it just like you can't." I said and she let out a sob and hugged me again, "I know this might sound crazy but I am madly in love with you, I feel so stupid to let you go." Taylor said and right in that moment I knew that I found my happily ever after and I won't be stupid again to let go of something this precious, and at that moment I knew that everything will be alright.


A//N: Hey guys ! I decided to complete this book with the prev one-shot but then I decided I won't lol 😂


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