Chapter 4

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Mr. Jeff picked me up the next morning. We grabbed some donuts for breakfast, eating them quickly in the car (me feeling immature for getting chocolate milk) and then drove to the building. There was a red rose sitting on the desk with Carol. Mr. Jeff was walking ahead of me and I grabbed it quickly, smiling at Carol and following behind him. Mr. Jeff didn't notice and I held it behind my back, both hands so it looked casual. We went up to the office and he sat down in his chair as I placed the rose into his vase. He stared at it, raising a brow. "When did you get that?" he asked.

"Earlier," I said.

"Where from?"

"Magic," I told him.

He nodded and asked what was in store for that day. He had a meeting a few blocks over and this was one I could go to. He told me to take notes and I did so. After, he had to go back to the building and we went to a meeting on the 21st floor where they showed him how sales and productivity were doing. Then came lunch and I ordered a small meal again because he kept making me try some of the food he was offering, but it was some Asian food and I'm not a fan of the Asian food. After lunch he had a meeting that I realized he always had, everyday at the same time at one-thirty. So, in that time, I collapsed onto the couch. I didn't have any sleeping pills and so I didn't get much sleep in the night. I woke up at about three but not because anyone was waking me up. I simply woke up. Mr. Jeff was at his desk, typing on his computer.

"Nice sleep?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah, sorry," I said.

"Don't be. If I needed you I would've woken you. You looked tired, too. No sleeping pills?"

"No. I guess I should go out and buy some."

"Here." He opened his desk drawer and tossed me a bottle of sleeping pills. "Take them home with you."

"Thanks." I set them on my desk and sat down, looking in the planner. "You're free up until six, with your dad."

He nodded. He had been looking at the computer, but once I mentioned the appointment with his father at six he leaned back, glanced at his computer, and then looked out the window. Great. A bad mood. I scratched the back of my head and walked over to him. I sat on the edge of his desk and grabbed his hand, massaging it. "If you don't mind me asking-"

"I do mind," he interrupted, looking at me intensely. It was the first time I had seen him not happy with me. He pulled his hand away and stood up. "Why don't you call it a day? Go home. Go out. Do something. You don't have to be there when I see my father."

I nodded, my face, neck, and chest getting blotchy red, something that happened when I was nervous and felt like crying. I went to my desk, grabbed my stuff, and walked out of the office. Great. He'll probably call later, let me know that I do indeed suck, and then fire me. Obviously I did something wrong. Probably because I really suck at my job. I was glad that Michael, Vince, and Emilio weren't there, because a tear did escape my eye. Like I said, I cried at everything. I heard the door behind me and the elevator couldn't go fast enough.

"Em," Mr. Jeff said, sounding sorry. I looked down, forcing myself to hold back my tears and keep my composure together. He stood next to me as I looked away from him. Damn elevator. And then he did the cutest thing in the world that instantly made my tears vanish. "Emmy," he said, and oh me oh my I loved the nickname instantly. If anyone else called me that I'd probably cringe, but it was so darn cute from him.

I glanced over at him, feeling so stupid.

"Come on," he said and pulled me back to the office. He pulled me to the couch and sat me down, grabbing my hand and massaging it. "I didn't mean to snap at you," he told me. "But I don't enjoy talking about my family. Though since you're my assistant, you're bound to know about them eventually."

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