Chapter 23

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There are glitches on this page sometimes that make whole paragraphs repeat. I tried fixing it but it's not working so just bear with me.

I was fuming as I looked through the Yahoo articles. Lafayette was everywhere, and right next to him was that fucking dick Rick Solanzki. How could he find him attractive! He was too short, too hairy. There were tons of photos from Lafayette's party, because he still had one. Him and Rick were by each other all night it appeared. Worst of all, there was a photo of Lafayette received a check for one fucking billion dollars from some guy - Micah Schumacher. A part of me had believed he might have been lying or something, and that the bet wasn't real, but here it was. A check for a billion dollars, from Micah Schumacher. To top it off, Lafayette was quoted as saying, "I won a bet against Schumacher, and so that's why he's giving me a billion dollars. I'm donating half of it to charities, though." What a piece of shit. They say there's five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I had been in denial, but now that I knew it was all fucking true - I was pissed as hell. I kept an eye on Lafayette in all the news articles of him, and Rick was in all the photos of him. He basically replaced me, because I had been in all of those photos before and I was the mystery man by his side all the time.

I was hoping he'd be upset about everyone being mad at him. His parents were disappointed in him, and this time they actually had a reason to be. Then Michael, Emilio, Vince, and Donald weren't speaking to him. Other than Donald, the other three weren't going to return to work until he dumped Rick because they couldn't stand him. I was wanting him to feel like shit, but he didn't. He was basically taking a vacation, too, because no one had gone to work since the new year. He was acting the same, even though I discovered he's a twat. He was still portrayed as an amazing person in the media and he was still doing good to the world, just not behind the world.

I got furious one day I called his office phone. He didn't answer, but then I remembered he wasn't going to his office. I tried the phone he used in his house. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hello," he answered.

"Lafayette, I swear to god if you hang up on me."



He sighed. "What is it?"

"You can't end things like that, Faye. Even if you don't care, you shouldn't do it that way. You should have known that I'd call."

"What else do you want me to say?"

"Look, I can believe the bet. He gave you the billion dollar check. I know. I can believe you're with Rick. You two are constantly together. What I don't believe is that you really didn't care about me. You let me see so far into your personal life that there's no way you really couldn't have cared about me. Even if you didn't truly love me, you had to care a little."

He sighed again, tiredly. "I did consider you a friend, Emerson. I wasn't in love with you. You're just not my type and you're too young for me, but you were a good friend. I'll admit that. I liked that you really cared about me. It was something new. Rick was always gone. My family was distant. Michael and them cared about me differently. I figured if I broke it off in such a bad way then you'd get over me quicker."

"I'd get over you in any way. I don't want to because I still love you, but if you don't love me then I guess I have to."

He was quiet, and then said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I used you and I'm sorry I had to be so mean to you. I'm sorry I can't love you back. For a while there I tried to, but it just wasn't real. I convinced myself for a while that I could love you, because I started to feel guilty. You were just so good to me. I know this if far fetched, but can we still be friends?"

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