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I try not to make eye contact with the girl. I quickly make my way to the back of the class, but someone grabs my arm.

" Morten, honey sit next to me. "
Oh god. Stella.

" Oh, hey, Stel. Sup ? " I say.

The bus girl was now paying full attention to us, raising her eyebrows at me. I mimick her, and force myself to look at Stella.

Stella was the school diva. She wasn't exactly stunning. She was normal and plain. She just wore alot of slut makeup.

I told her a billion times that I wasn't interested in having a girlfriend.  I mean what's the purpose ? You just kiss, talk, kiss, talk. And they eventually leave you for another dude.  Girls are all the same.

She looks at me pleasingly, pouting. I finally resist and sit down next to her, but I edge my chair away. So that there's a lot of space between us.

The teacher comes in.
We all stand up.  Except me.

" Magne. Detention after class. "

" And why is that, Mr. Ying Yang ?"
I say.

He curses, and slams his palm on the table.

" It's Mr. Chang!" He spits. He walks up next to my desk, and his face is only inches away from mine.

" Instead of being the class clown. I think you should start getting to work, young man. Or else I will be obliged to tell the principal." He whispers.

I stop talking.  Mrs. Roth is a really strict person. I've already had a lecture from her. I don't want a second one.

I clench my fists and don't pay attention to the stupid lesson about geometry.

When the bell rings, I jolt up and exit the class. I look at the school clock.  Lunch time is far away.


I sit at a table with Paul and Bonnie, our other friend.
I choose a taco and a salad.

" So, how's things going ? " asks Bonnie. She just had P.E, she was still sweating  and she drinks  a big gulp of water.
" Oh, alright. "  I mumbled.
Just when I was about to get a soda from the vending machine, this big guy blocked my way.

" Pal, move. " I say. Trying to push him to the side.
This was a bad idea.

His fist made contact with my jaw. Black spots started to cover my eyes.
I immediately kicked him in the nuts. He groaned and took my shirt into his fist and literally threw me across the cafeteria. Is this a Jackie chan movie or something ??
Hey morten, there's no time to think.
All the kids were in a circle around us, some idiots were filming us, shouting and yelling stuff like ; "You rule Tyrone ! " or " Get up Morten! Get him !"
I got up, a bit dizzy and aimed for his face, but I missed. And ended up lightly punching his chin. He laughed, I clenched my fist and this time, I punched him with success. My hand stung but I didn't care. He lost his balanced and fell with a Thud on the floor. Some of the guys in my class started cheering. I was the most popular guy in this school. I am going to win this fight. As I was about to have another go at him, Principal Roth made her way into the cafeteria. People immediately edged out of the way, making a clear path for her.  When she saw me on top of Tyrone, she shouted ;


A few minutes later, there was only me, Tyrone and Principal Roth in the dining hall.

" You, Mr. Harket, are in big trouble. And you, Tyrone, you caused this fight. BOTH OF YOU, IN MY OFFICE. THIS INSTANT!  AND NO MOANING.
Understand ? "
We both nodded our heads in unison. And retreated to her office.


Morten the Bad Boy. ( Morten Harket Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now