Chapter 7

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"Papa, why do you have to go to work today? I felt like discussing this week with you..." I said.

"Shona, even I wanted to discuss few things with you, but, it's urgent. I shall remain there till evening, so don't wait for me during lunch."

I sighed and nodded to my father. I went in the kitchen and packed his dabba. After handing it to him, he left. I went for a quick bath and then decided to do some studying.

Today is Sunday. The past week has been nothing but hectic. College is proving to be more difficult than I thought. I even had an argument with a man who calls himself a "teacher", but in reality is a shame to them, I mean, that man was saying all stereotypical things about women and I had to shut him.

I managed to gain myself a few friends too, all women, as it was an all-women college.

You must be wondering if I ran into those three British men, no...after that encounter with Alexander-Alex, whichever his name was, I didn't bump into him or his friends and I'm grateful to God for that.


After two hours of a study session, I felt bored. There was nothing to do at home, so I decided to go outside and buy some grocery.

I changed into a red silk sari, which had golden embroidery at the edges. I tied my hair into a simple loose braid and then applied surma. After that I was ready to leave.

As I walked in the busy streets of Calcutta, I was reminded of the richness of my nation. All types of spices, clothing...etcetera were displayed at the shops. I bought everything I thought was finished or was close to finishing at home.

I was busy buying vegetables when I caught a glimpse of a blonde head.


I paid the vegetable seller and hurried off to a different direction, but I was too late because soon I heard, "Hey!"

I stopped dead in my track and closed my eyes. Not this again. This day reminds me exactly of the day I slapped him.

After taking a deep breath, I turned around.

I was met with the sight of a smiling British man. I recognized him immediately, the silent friend of Alexander. His icy blonde hair were parted from the left side of his scalp and was neatly swept off his face. His blue eyes sparkled with a look I couldn't comprehend. His lips were curved into a wide smile.

Why did he want to talk to me?

I didn't answer him, instead I turned around and was about to leave when he said, "Miss, please wait."I couldn't help but notice that he almost sounded desperate.

My mouth fell open and I wasn't able to hide the look of surprise from my face when he came and stood in front of me. He just referred to me as "Miss", which is considered as a type of respect. A British man just referred to an Indian woman with this much respect, am I making some kind of history here?

Even though he seemed to respect me, he was still the friend of the person I hated. "You shouldn't be here. This is the part of town where Indians are, your part of town is on the other side."

His face fell. "I was trying to find you, that's why I came here."

Trying to find you...what?

"I-I...can I help you?" I managed to let out.

"Please, come with me. I wanted to talk to you." He said to me, while dragging his hand in an 'after you' gesture.

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