Chapter 26

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I'm sorry that I went all MIA on you but school is being hectic! Here's the new chapter :)



I could not look at Amelia in the eye. Because whenever I did, I was always reminded of the sudden turns my life had taken in the past week.

Today was the day. The day I was supposed to be engaged to Amelia.

I felt nothing; just numb. I wanted to do so many things, but all I was doing was standing in front of the darned mirror, buttoning up my freshly tailored suit for today's occasion.

"Wipe those scowls off your faces, both of you!" The frustrated voice of Matthew invaded my thoughts. I stared at him through the mirror. His face was slightly red and his hair ruffled, as if he had been running his hands through them.

And then I looked at Jordon. His face was blank, but his mouth held the same sneer from the past few days.

No wonder why, I thought sarcastically. I knew of his affair with Amelia. I had seen him in a heated argument with her just few days ago and heard pretty much everything that gave away that they both loved each other.

I didn't understand. Why can't Amelia's mother marry her off to Jordan? What's wrong with that anyway?

And suddenly, as if a light bulb had gone off in my mind, I had an idea. I turned abruptly away from the mirror which caught the attention of both my friends.

"What?" Mathew said.

My mouth lifted in a full smile.

"I have a brilliant idea on how as can stop this charade." I said, unable to keep my excitemesmirk.tact. "It is risky and I'd be probably thrown back to Britain, but it's worth a try. Okay, listen..."



We were standing at the edge of a full fledged ball. Women were dressed in heavy gowns with their shoes creating a click-clack sound on the ground. Men were wearing their finest suits. The hall had a huge chandelier in the middle and some small ones on its sides. On our left was where the buffet was set up and on our right was where the musicians sat, playing soft dance tunes.

My body was filled with nervousness. It was killing me. Alex's idea was great but it was slightly unrealistic. We did have to give it a try though, or else I'd watch my love be taken away by my own friend.

The doors of the hall opened and the names of Amelia and her family were announced. My face snapped towards her and then my body froze. Her hair was tied at the top of her head and she was dressed in a crimson gown which swished as she moved. Her sleeves were off her shoulders and I couldn't help but notice how the crimson contrasted with her pale skin.

She looked beautiful.

"You might want to close that mouth of yours or the flies would find a new breeding ground." Matthew said in a sing-song voice and I closed my mouth, giving him a rueful glare.

I watched her walk towards the stage, where regal style chairs were set up for the soon to be fiancés. It boiled my blood but I had to go with Alexander's scheme.

I noticed that the people had stopped dancing and were being greeted by Amelia's parents. Amelia sat at her chair looking disdainful. I could see the puffiness of her eyes from this far too and it pained me.

Everything would be fine love, I thought and wished that she would hear me.

"Alex's ideas is taken out of the novel I read recently. I swear he is a secret romance lover." Matthew said, with a small smirk.

"He didn't read it; I mean, I haven't seen him read at least." I muttered to him, still staring at Amelia.

"Exactly." He said.


It had been more than two hours and there was no sign of Alexander. People looked frantic.

I looked at his parents. His mother's eyes were wide and she was trying to calm down the crowd while his father, red eyes, red face and respect in shambles.

Huh, good for him. I thought.

"It's time. Let's go." Matthew said as he ushered me towards Alex's parents.

"...told me he won't ever come back. I thought he was being his chilsidh self!" Mr. Stewart growled. His wife tried to calm him down but he looked like a hungry lion, unleashed.

"What will I do now?! All these people would spit on me!" He continued, ferocious.

I smirked to myself mentally. The plan is going as we planned.

"Can we help, Sir?" I said, calmly.

"How can you help?! You can't, son. Look at my poor girl being thrashed with harsh words by these darned people!" Exclaimed Amelia's father.

I looked towards Amelia. She was looking in our direction pleadingly as her mother tried to calm her down. It angered me but I had to keep my calm.

"I have an idea, Sir, but it's too bizarre and I don't think..." Matthew trailed off in fake hesitancy. This was the trickiest part, because the next step would be decided by Mr. Stewart's reaction.

"I do not care about your idea being bizarre, if you know any way to save my reputation as well as the poor girl, do tell." He said, frustrated.

I did a happy dance in my mind.

Matthew asked Mr. Stewart to come with him for a private conversation.
I watched as they conversed, Matthew calm and Mr. Stewart, well, angry at first, confused the next, somewhat calm and finally he nodded his head.

I felt my heart bursting with happiness because the next thing I noticed was the subtle nod from Matthew.

Mr. Stewart suddenly looked at me and asked me to come towards him. I went, with all signs of fake confusion on my face.

"Jordan, you have been like a son to me. I know what I'm going to ask you next is going to be very hard for you, but son, it would be a favour that I don't ever forget. From a helpless man to you..." Mr. Stewart trailed off. What a manipulative man he was.

I nodded and acted as if I will help him.

"Son, will you take Alexander's place and protect Amelia's honour?"




Totally filmy! What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading!

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