Chapter 9

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I looked at Alex's unconscious body. Doctors surrounded him and at the edge of the bed stood our fathers. Alex's father's forehead was creased and his mouth was pressed into a thin line. My father had kept a hand on his shoulder, while Jordan's father was calmly watching Alex.

Jordan was standing at the far end of the room. He has been avoiding my gaze since the evening. Whenever I try to talk to him, he answers me in one word or simply nods.

I knew I was responsible for this condition of Alex. I never meant to hurt Alex. Hell, punching him was a step I took too far. I have no justification for it; I just know that I was too angry to realize what I was doing.

I buried my head in my hands.

What have I done?

I felt so guilty and angry with myself.

I heard some shuffling and when I looked across the room, the doctors were muttering something to Mr. Stewart in hushed tones. After a few minutes, they left. Mr. Stewart took one last glance towards Alex and then told Jordan something. After that he too left. No one had told him what exactly happened to Alex. I was about to tell him when Jordan had cut me off, telling our fathers that Alex had slipped and that had caused all the injuries. Mr. Stewart appeared skeptical at first, because who wouldn't be? There was a huge purple bruise on his jaw.

It was entire my fault. I had cost my best friend this. After everyone had left, I knew that Jordan wanted to say something to me, but I couldn't meet his eyes.

"He just had a blackout. Nothing's serious, though the bruise will take time to heal." Jordan said.

"I-I shouldn't have p-punched him. It's my fault. If I--"

"He deserved the punch." Jordan cut me off.

My head snapped towards Jordan. He was leaning on the wall beside Alex's bed. "He has been reckless in what he says for the past few days, he pretty much needed to be shown that he is wrong."

I lowered my gaze. I knew that what Jordan said was true, but I couldn't keep away the guilt which was eating my insides.

But how could I tell him that the guilt was not only because what happened today....

"When will he wake up?" I asked.

Jordan just shrugged. "Dinner's ready. We should get going."

With one last look towards Alex, I left.


It's been two days since Alex's blackout. He woke up the next morning with a painful headache. But what concerns me the most is that he is avoiding me. He avoids my gaze. He hasn't said much to me since that day. I don't know why he was doing this.

Was he guilty of what he said? Was he avoiding me because I hit him? Was he avoiding me because I was friends with Anvesha?

I had no idea.

I shook my head, trying to clear away all these thoughts. I was again meeting up with Anvesha. It had become a routine. We would always meet up under King's (she is so fond of that tree, that has even named it) and would discuss the latest novels and how they should've or shouldn't have been. We would share our experiences and childhood stories. All in all, we had become really close friends.

And the likening I had for her was growing deeper and deeper. I loved the way when she laughed her eyes fluttered, I loved the way her eyes lit up when she told me about her favourite book, I absolutely loved the way she talks about India with great patriotism...I loved everything about her.

I was falling for Anvesha Anand.

I didn't know when it began. Was it when she stood up to Alex? Was it when she apologized for slapping Alex? I had no idea. But what I know is that she is the most beautiful person I had ever met. She was beautiful inside-out.

Or was the reason something else...


When I reached the tree, I saw that Anvesha was already seated comfortably under the tree. She had a book in hand and looked undeniably attractive in a purple saree.

As I neared her, she noticed me and gave me a wide smile. "Hello friend! How you've been?"

I wanted to laugh at the word "friend" but I didn't say anything.

"I've been well. What about you?"

"I've been well too." She replied, while gesturing for me to sit beside her. I dropped my bag and sat down. She had a new book in hand.

We were deep in conversation about the book's protagonist when Anvesha suddenly asked, "Where's your hot headed friend? I don't see him much these days."

The question seemed normal for any other person, but somehow it was able to spark the feeling of jealousy within me. I managed to give her my best fake smile, which she believed because she smiled back at me. "He's been around. I don't think he wants to bother you anymore."

Anvesha seemed taken aback. Her eyes were wide and her lips were pressed into a straight line. She was looking off at distance with a look I couldn't comprehend.

She managed to let out an "Oh" and we were seeped into an awkward silence. I stared at the hues which the sunset was creating in the sky.

I looked towards her from the sunset. She was frowning and then shook her head, as if coming out of a trance.

"So anyway, we were talking about..."
And that's how everything went to normal.


I walked into our room. Alex was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. As soon as he caught sight of me, he gave me a tight lipped smile and then went back to staring at nothing.

I was growing tired of his behaviour. I needed an explanation to why Alex was behaving like this. I should be the one to cower away after what I had done, then why was Alex being like this?

I walked towards him and sat at the edge of his bed. Without looking at him, I said, "Alex, please stop this pretence. Just tell me what's going on."

There was silence.

More silence. I sighed heavily.

When I was almost about to give up, Alex said, "I-I' m sorry about my behaviour Matthew. I had no right to bring Viol-" he gulped "-past back up. Honestly, I don't care what other people say to me or I say to them, but I hurt you Matthew and the guilt is eating me. When you didn't try to talk to me, I thought that you didn't want to see my face after what I had said."

I was silent. He took my silence as a signal to continue. "I'm extremely sorry, Matthew. I didn't mean anything I said. And...and you are allowed to be friends with Anvesha." He said her name like it pained for him to say it. He even tried to make a joke out of his last sentence, but I knew he was serious.

There's something going on between Alex, but I don't want to find it. Whatever it is, he will surely tell me when it is the correct time.

"It's all okay, my friend. Even I'm sorry for going behind your back. I hope we are back to normal again, right?"

"Of course!" He stood up and gave me a tight womanly-hug. And that's when Jordan walked up through the door. The moment he saw us, the bag he had in his hands dropped on the floor and all groceries came out. His jaw dropped to the floor and eyes went wide.

"I honestly didn't know that you two were into each other, but the truth has finally come out." He said. We all stared at each other for a moment before we burst into laughter.

Everything seems to be normal now...and I wished for it to stay like this only.


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Update: Re-read this chapter...its important.

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