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OPTIONAL. Yes, this is purely optional. For those who like, the end could be in the 30th chapter and those who find this end fitting, well, this one is for you.


I stood at the top most area of the field. It had been cleared and the new roads were being developed.

I felt slight sadness, for the area I had spent too much time in was swept clean. But being the head of the council of this area gave me a few powers in my hands.

That is why, I had ordered for a row of banyan tree to be planted beside the new roads. The Indian workers were obedient towards me and there was no wonder why.

All the other members of the British Council disliked me and there was no wonder why too.

Because just an year ago, I got married to an Indian woman which they were not able to accept.

While the Indians were furious at first, they slowly started to accept me because they had realized that I was working for their betterment in the council. To say the truth, I felt like I was betraying the British but I did not care in the least. The Indians were people who had done nothing wrong and only served us obediently, so it was my duty to serve them too.

"Okay, it's enough for today. You people, go home and take some rest." I shouted to the majority of people working there, in Bengali of course. The credit of teaching me goes to my beautiful wife. But it was a tough language. Thankfully, people understood what I wanted to say.

Everyone looked relieved and slowly started to dismiss themselves.

The new officers working with me looked at me with hesitant eyes, yet they didn't say anything. I was not crude to the Indians, but these arrogant officers needed to be shown there place. I dismissed them with a have of my hand.

I walked towards my car and drove towards my house. I felt tired and all I wanted to do was go home and spend some time with her.

I reached the house in about ten minutes and realized that she was home.

She opened the door for me with a smile on her face. Her face seemed to glow and her pink sari barely covered her rounded belly.

"You're home early, Alexander." She said as she ushered me in. God, hearing her say my name with so much adoration always filled me with immense love for her.

I slowly bent to kiss her forehead. She wouldn't let me kiss her on the lips, said that it made her uncomfortable. But I was Alexander and I had my ways. "Yes. I wanted to see how you were doing."

She rolled her eyes. Anvesha, always so unladylike, I thought as I chuckled.

"Just because I'm carrying a child does not mean I'm a patient." She chided. I hummed a yes to her and she went to the kitchen and I followed.

I quickly poured myself a glass of water as I saw her animatedly try to make the sugary delights I loved.

"How was the class?" I asked her, leaning against the counter.

"It was okay. The little girls are hyperactive." She chuckled.

Anvesha's dream of teaching underprivileged children had come true. A few years back, she had had a secret meeting with the women of the villages who happily agreed to send their children to her for study sessions. Some of their husbands knew and some did not, but it clearly didn't matter since Anvesha's dream job was in her hands.

I nodded to her as I went to the veranda. I picked up the latest copy of "The Other View", the newspaper my best friend Matthew had started.

This newspaper only wrote the current happenings from the side of what the Indians felt. It was a great success as it was written in three languages- Hindi, English and Bengali. The British were vexed, but Matthew had made his identity anonymous, that even if a person tried his best, they wouldn't find the owner of this newspaper branch.

As for my other best friend Jordan, he was living a happy married life with Amelia back in Britain, with two little mini-Jordan and mini-Amelia already.

I snapped from my thoughts as Anvesha walked into the room, talking about something animatedly. But I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. I could only stare at this beautiful woman who I thought I had lost five years ago.

It was tough for me, the first two years back in Britain. But then I joined the British council and took my transfer to India with accepting hands. My father was not happy in the least but I was an adult who was allowed to take decisions on my own.

I met Anvesha again. I was afraid that her love for me would have vanished but it hadn't. It was still very much there.

I didn't ask her to marry me at that time, because her father still didn't know the truth.

When Anvesha had told her father, he was livid. He didn't want to see her for days. But Anvesha knew that he will love her no matter what. And he did. He met me with a hostile nature because he didn't want anything to do with me but was only doing that for his daughter.

I had my mother's allowance to marry Anvesha. So I did. I proposed to her and we got married (in Bengali way since no church wanted this marriage to take place, but the village community loved Anvesha and what she did for them, so they helped us marry each other).

Now we live in a houas built near King's. Still no one came here and we had all the place to ourselves.

I had told Anvesha in my letter that maybe destiny would be kind to us.

And it was.

For I got the person I loved the most.

Guess a "fantasy" could come true after all.



First, I love you guys too much and second, I hate sad endings, that is why, I HAD to give this book a happy ending.

We all know that if this was the India in 1899 then there were 0% chances of this story even taking place, and in 1904, an Anglo-Indian wedding was not acceptable.

But what can I say, this is MY version of India in 1899 and 1904 because as we all know, it's the India of my Fiction land ;)

I want to thank all of you for being there when I thought that I should be deleting this book. I also want to thank each and every one of who who voted and gave me such sincere comments. It truly helped a LOT!

This book was one heck of a ride since I always worried about what is acceptable and what is not, but soon I realized, my India of the Fiction land could have anything it wants.

So here you go!

That's a wrap you guys. Thank you for being patient with me through my uneven updates.

I love you a lot!
Happy Wattpad Reading!
Bye Bye!
Please miss me ;)

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