Hey... where am I...? OMG IN NARUTO WORLD!? (Naruto fanfiction)

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A picture of Lakin !>_>_>_>_>_>_>EEEEEEEP!


I  layed on my bed while sighing. My life was so boring. I turned to look at my t.v the Naruto show came on. My favourit show ever!! I wanted to watch it so bad. But.. I was too tired.. I rolled over to my side and sighed again.

"Why cant I live in The Naruto show?"I frowned to myself while drifting off into sleep.


I started to hear voices. I wanted to open my eyes to look, But I was to tired.. I kept them shut while listening.

"Who is she?"

"Im not sure... Ive never seen her before.."

"She looks so... Odd..."

"I.. Dont think she's from around here"

"Your right Sakura-chan. She isnt"

WAIT A SECOUND, SAKURA-CHAN!? My eyes flew open as I sat up from my bed. Just as I thought! Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were standing right infront of me. Startled from my sudden awakening.

"I!....I CANT BELIEVE IT!! YOUR..... YOUR NARUTO FRIDGEN UZUMAKI!"I squealed while jumping off the bed and giving Naruto a huge hug. Naruto rubbed the back of his head with a confused blush.

"Believe it!" He grinned

"Eeep!"I squealed. 'Believe it!' was Narutos catchphrase. And I just heard it personaly from him!

"Excuse me... Uhm, Who are you?"Kakashi asked

"Oh! Sorry... Had a fangirl moment there..ehe. Im Lakin!"I said

"Lakin... And... What village do you come from?"He asked

"Uh.... America?"I said weirdly. They all gave each other a awkward glance. I glanced down at my hands, They looked like my regular hands. I.... I couldnt possibly look the same... Could I?

"Excuse me" I said with a half smile and running to the bathroom I saw out of the corner of my eye, I turned the light on and stared in the mirror. I still had my long brown hair and dark brown eyes, I still had my freckles and I was still wearing my tank-top and shorts I wore to sleep last night. I awkwardly walkee back into the room where they all stood in silence.

I bit my lip. Gosh.. Could it get more awkward!?

"Okay, this might sound really really really weird, And you probably wont believe me, But, Im not from this world. Thats why I look and uhmm... Act? So different. Im human... And you all are charaters of a anime show called Naruto.. Everything thats happened in your lives... Ive seen.. Heck, A billion people watch the show, And the main charater is Naruto.. It all revolves around him..."I said

"WOO!"Naruto cheered

"Shut up Idiot!"Sakura yelled

"If your from a different world... How did you get to our world?"Kakashi asked

"Im...... Im not sure. I fell asleep in my bed last night.. Next thing I knew, Im here talking to MY FAVOURIT SHOWS CHARATERS. EEEEEP!!"I eep'd.

They all gave each other another weird glance.

"Sorry... My fangirl-ness came back out... Anyways.."I mumbled

"So, You dont know how to get back to your world?"Kakashi asked

"No"I said while giving him a helpless look. He sighed.

"Well.... Naruto.. Sakura.. Sasuke... Show her around while I go talk to lady Tsunade about this..." Kakashi sighed.

******LATER ON*****

"So, Lakin..........How old are you?"Naruto asked

"Fourteen, Same as all of you"I smirked as we all walked

"How do you know how old we are!?"Sakura flipped

"Remember Sakura-chan... She... 'Watches' our..'show' or something like that"Naruto said

"right"I agreed with Naruto.

"Hn"Sasuke mutterd.

I dimmed my eyes at Sasuke... Why does he always say that!?

"You know Sasuke, Saying 'Hn' All the time is really annoying. Like seriously..You arnt as cool as you think you are... How about dropping the bad boy act and actually act normal.."I hissed out of irritation.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY SASUKE!???!?"Sakura screamed

"And you!"I said while pointing my finguer at Sakura"Sasuke isnt yours. And, Everybody knows that he doesnt like you..even you know that... So why chase after him? Whats the point of crushing on someone who doesnt crush back?"I calmly said

Narutos and Sasukes faces were shocked.

"What did you say!?"Sakura snarled while running to me. I stuck my elbow out and blocked her by hitting her in the throat with my elbow then shoving her to fall straighte on her ass.

Naruto and Sasuke stopped walking, Both their mouths dropped with shock, Even I was a little shocked.

"Ha!"I snorted "By the way, Your helpless in every single battle you three get into. And, Im a powerless human in your powerful world yet, I still took you down.. Your a pathetic ninja"I laughed while continuing to walk. I never really liked Sakura in the show. And it felt good to tell her off. I could tell... I was going to have fun in Naruto's world.


Zomg!<3 Lakin told Sakura off! MMM! 

*Fist pump* (:  

WELL! Come on.... Comment! Tell me what you think(: Oh dont worry, Things are just getting started!!  


-Cali. x

Hey... where am I...? OMG IN NARUTO WORLD!? (Naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now