Coming close to something.... ehh.....UNBELIEVABLE.

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I woke up around 11:30. I searched for Naruto, But couldnt find him. I found a note on his pillow. I guess for me? I picked it up.

'Dear Lakin,

Im off to training with Sasuke. Im sorry if that upsets you. Ill be gone for a while, I left you some money on the counter if you'd like to explore the village's stores. Have fun.... But please be careful, Take your bag full of shurikan incase. I miss you already more then you know.

Naruto. - '

I sighed. I miss him already too.. I wish I could have kissed him goodbye.... I sighed again. Oh well. I hopped out of bed and skipped to the bathroom. I was in a very good mood this morning.. Hmm. I got dressed in the bathroom then stared at myself. I frowned at myself. My dull brown hair and colorless brown eyes. And freckles.. Gah. The anime girls were so colorful and junk. And. I was plain... But, Naruto liked me. Thats all that matters. I shrugged at the depressing thought of myself. And skipped to the kitchen and saw the bag of money Naruto left me. I also saw my little bag, I grabbed it and hooked it around my waiste. Alright... So what will I do today..?


I waited patiently after knocking a few times on the door. Shortly after, The door slung open.

"What!?"The boy yelled furiously.

I dimmed my eyes at him.

"Well Sorry! Jeez. Is Hinata here?"I asked

"Yes"He sighed "This way please"

He led me into the house and I stood at the end of the staircase.

"HINATA!" The boy yelled up the stairs.

"What Neji-kun!?"She yelled back.

Neji! Thats who the boy was... I knew I knew him. Just forgot his name. I sighed as Hinata ran down the stairs then came to a stop when she saw me.

"O-oh Lakin-chan. How're you?"She asked

"Good.. You?"I asked

"Im good, Thank you.."She mumbled

"So Hinata.. I was wondering if you had anything planned today.."I akwardly asked.. Jeez. It was like I was asking her on a date.

"Oh.. Well. Im meeting up with a group of friends today.."She said

"Oh, Okay"I smiled "We could maybe hang out some other time then?" I asked while walking towards the door.

"No, No! Come with me"She smiled

"No.. I couldnt impose, Hinata.. Really.."I said

"No Lakin! I insist. Come with me"She smiled

"Oh...... Well Okay"I smiled back.


Naruto's P.O.V

I dodged Sasukes Shurikan.

"HEY! WATCH IT UCHIHA!" I complained.

"Do you know how many times you've came close to hitting me with Shurikan? Suck it up Uzumaki"Sasuke chuckled

"Sasuke..."I said while walking over to him as we both sat down resting "What do you think of Lakin?"

"Shes different"He quickly answerd

"Yeah.. She is, But..Its a good different"I smiled

"You really like her dont you?"He asked

"Yeah. I do"I answerd honestly

Hey... where am I...? OMG IN NARUTO WORLD!? (Naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now