Keep training!

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I was so excited from yesterday since I felt chakra run through me. It was a amazing feeling. And I wanted to feel it again. I wanted to learn more! Oooooohh. How I craved it! I snuck out of the apartment around 6:30 This morning, I followed the path Me and Naruto walked yesterday back to the training feild. I wonder If I can build chakra again. I stood in the middle of the feild taking deep breaths. I tried to remember on the show what they did with their hands when they built chakra...maybe that would help.

I placed my hands like they did in the show and took another deep breath... Focus Lakin.. Which took a long time like last time, I waited forever, Concentrating on that empty space and filling it with my 'power' The sun had came up, And I was starting to get bored.


I completely broke my concentration and looked up. Naruto was walking up to me, His face looked worried.

"Whats up?"I wondered

"I was worried! Woke up and couldnt find you!"He sorta yelled.

I understood why he was upset.

"Im sorry Naruto-kun..."I said while smiling on the inside. Hehehehehehehehe. "I just came out to train"

"train.... You want to train?"He asked

"Yes! I want to learn more! Please help me.."I begged

His face lit up. I knew he would help. I smiled at his excitement that washed over his face.

"Okay! Have you been trying to fill that empty space with your chakra again?"He wondered

"Yes.."I pouted "But, I waited for ever and nothing happend"

"Okay, Lets try something harder.."He mutterd while taking his jacket off.

HARDER!? I havent even gotten this step masterd.. And yet he wants to push forward? Yes. Perfectly smart Naruto! (Sarcasm)

"Watch.."He said, My attention instantly went back to him. He formed the same hand style I did earlier and closed his eyes.. After a few moments...

"TRANSFORM!"He yelled while poofing into Sakura.

I was amazed. Seeing this is person.. Gah! Calm down inner fangirl!!

"Now, Try to fill that empty space with your power and think of stransforming into someone you know at the same time.. "He said in Sakuras voice. I shivered. Jeez that was creepy that he sounded like her too.

"Sure thing, But you'll have to transform back into Naruto for me to concentrate..."I mutterd

Another poof appeared, Then Naruto was there blushly lightly while running his finguers through his hair.

"Sorry Lakin-chan"He blushed

My inner fangirl had a heart attack once he said Lakin-chan. EEEP! Okay, Focus on what Naruto said. I placed my hands together and closed my eyes. First, Alone I tryed filling that emty space after a few minutes of nothing happening. I quietly sighed... Then I regained concentration while trying to fill the empty space AND thinking of transforming into someone. I squeezed my eyes tight with frustration. Naruto does it perfectly. Yet I cant even feel a little chakra. This blows! I took a deep breath and concentrated even harder.

You can do this Lakin.

You can do this.

Your not powerless Lakin.

You can do this..


Instantly. My whole body was filled with that feeling I had felt yesterday. I opened my eyes with excitment.

Hey... where am I...? OMG IN NARUTO WORLD!? (Naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now