Meeting the other charaters! Wooo!

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Me and Naruto walked to the Acedemy casualy. Making small conversation, But. My inner fangirl wouldnt leave me alone.. I kept thinking, Oh.. Mi... Gawsh. YOU CUDDLED WITH NARUTO LASSTTT NIGGHHTTT EEEEEEP! I toom a deep breath quietly to calm myself. I hadnt even noticed that two other people started to walk with me and Naruto.

"Where have you been, Naruto?"Sasuke asked.

Jeez. Thats the most ive heard him talk.. Well, In person at least.

"Busy with training"Naruto shrugged.

Sakura didnt speak at all, she wasnt annoying like always. Instead, She was staring me down with a irritated look on her face. I kept a smug smile on my face. Im glad she's pissed off.. Shes just making my day better.

"Oh, Lakin-chan... Sorry about cuddling up to you last night.. Im just a cuddley person"Naruto blushed while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. Sasuke's jaw dropped, And Sakura's eyes widend with shock. I smiled even bigger.

"Its alright Naruto-kun, I didnt mind"I blushed.

Sasuke pressed his lips together out of frustration. And Sakura stuck her nose up pretending to ignore me, But failed. I giggled inside. Life couldnt be better.

We arrived at the Acedemy and everyone waited outside. As we walked up to everyone Naruto pulled me by my arm gently to follow him. I did, And my inner fangirl litarlly fainted.

"Lakin this is Kiba, Shino and Hinata"Naruto said

they all looked at me funny. But, I didnt care now.

"Hi, Im Lakin"I smiled

Hinata slightly smiled with a peaceful look on her face.. Hinata was like my favourit girl charater out of the show. She was so cute. (No homo<3)

"Nice to meet you L-Lakin"Hinata said quietly

"Say Lakin.. Whats those spots on your face?"Kiba asked

"Kiba!"Hinata hissed in a whisper

"What?"Kiba asked in a defensful way "Just curious!"

I quietly giggled. Gaahh. These guys are amazing.

"There my freckles, Kiba"I told him

"Freckles..?"He repeated in a question

"Yeah.. Uhh. Where I come from, People can be born with these..'spots' on their faces, Its apart of who they are. I love my freckles"I said with a grin. Naruto chuckled.

"Their.... Kinda cool"Kiba mumbled while observing them.

"I agree"Naruto said while glancing at them.

"Their unique"Hinata smiled

I smiled back, Who would think some poeple could be so fasinated by freckles.. Ahhhh. I love this place<3

I wondered why everyone was outside instead of inside of the Acedemy..

"Naruto.. Whats everyone doing?"I asked him as we walked off by ourselves

"The Acedemys closed, But.. On Sundays usually everyone meets here and hangs out"He said

"Oh...."I mumbled "Cann we go train?"I asked barely over a whisper. The corners of Naruto mouth pulled into a huge grin.

Me and Naruto shared a new passion now..Training.

********************Later on..***********************

Me and Naruto made it to the training feild, I was pumped. And I didnt want a measily 1-2 hour training. I WANTED TO TRAAAIIIN. And, I wasnt going to let Naruto down today.. Believe it! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe<3

Hey... where am I...? OMG IN NARUTO WORLD!? (Naruto fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now