Were the perfect two. x

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I slightly opened my eyes. Then. They completey flew open. Naruto was sitting indian style on the bed completely staring at me. I pressed my lips together. He saw me wake up. Yet. His expression didnt change. His face looked puzzled.

"Naruto..."I mumbled

"Lakin..."He said calmly

"....WHAT THE FUDGE MONKEYS ARE YOU DOING!?"I yelled and he fell backwards onto the floor since me raising my voice startled him.

"Jesus!"He said while poking his head back up into veiwing sight "Could you not yell at me like that?"

"Could you not stare at me like a cannibal!"I said while jumping out of bed walking over to his dresser.

"Whats a cannibal?"He asked curiously as he crawled back on the bed.

"Nevermind.."I sighed.

I pulled my shorts down, And threw them over into a basket of laundry that sat in Narutos room. I slid Naruto's swetpants on, Turning back at Naruto whos face was completely red. Why was he....? Ooohh... Right... He saw my underwear. Oops.

"S-sorry"I mumbled while crawling back onto the bed.

"Its okay..."He said as I got back under the covers

"why'd you change into those?"He asked

"Cause. Im cold, Why were you staring me down as I slept?"I asked

"Cause. Your pretty"He smiled

I slightly blushed while hiding under the covers.

"Dont hide from me.."Naruto laughed

"Dont lie to me" I said seriously under the covers, But he slung them off me staring at me again

"Yet again the staring..."I mutterd

"I would never lie to you, Lakin"He said seriously as I caught his gaze.

"You really think Im pretty?"I asked shockly

"Yes! Believe it!" He smiled.

I smiled back. His smile warmed my heart. I loved the butterflys he gave me. Something crossed my mind. And I instantly got excited.

"Oohh. Ohh! I got you a suprise!"I said while leaping out of bed then turning back at him "Dont move!" I orderd while running out of the room.

"A suprise?"I heard him mumble

I rummaged through the bags I carried earlier trying to find the right bag...Ah ha! I grabbed the little box and ran back into the room. I jumped on the bed with excitement. Narutos eyes were confused and curious.

"Look, Look!" I said while pulling out two necklaces.

Naruto studied the necklaces still confused.

"Their two peices of one Necklace..."I explained while showing him how they connected "These two peices are called many names... Push and pull.... Ying and yang.... Good and evil. See the white one is the good one, Yet the little circle on the top is a side of evil since its black. And the black one is the evil one, But the little white circle on the top of this one stands for the good side of it. Together. Their connected. But, Even apart from each other,"I said while giving him the black one "Their still connected. Through the people who wear them"I smiled

"So, You wear one, I wear one... And Its like were carrying a peice of each other? together were connected?"He asked

I shyly nodded my head yes hoping he liked it. A smile grew on his face and I sighed with relief.

"I love this!"He said

"Really?"I asked

"ofcourse! Here, Let me help you.."He said while taking the necklace out of my hand, I turned around and pulled my hair out of his way. He wrapped the necklace around my neck and hooked it in the back. I turned back around and grabbed his necklace and he turned around, I did the same as he did and hooked it in the back. He turned back to face me with a smile.

I held the small white peice of the necklace between my finguers, Naruto did the same and pushed his beside mine making them connect.

"Its perfect" He smiled while leaning in and kissing my blushed cheeck.


Cali sings*

You can be the peanutbutter to my jelly.

You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly.

You can be the captain and I can be your first mate.

You can be the chills that I feel on our first date.

You can be the hero and I can be your sidekick.

You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split.

You can be the rain from the cloud when Its storming.

Or You can be the sun that shines in the morning.

Dont know if I could ever be, Without you cause boy you complete me. And In time I know that we'll both see, That were all we need. <3

Cause your the one for me.

And Im the one for you.

You take the both of us and were the perfect two.

You can be the prince and I can be the princess.

You can be the sweet tooth, I can be the dentist.

You can be the shoes, And I can be the laces.

You can be the heart that I spill on the pages.

You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser.

You can be the pencil, I can be the paper.

You can be ascold as the winter weather, But I dont care aslong as were together.

Deticated to Naruto and Lakin<3

Beautiful song. (:

Comment.... I beggeth you.


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