Chapter 3 - Woodbury and The Lady With The Sword

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As we were driving, the Governor (I don't know why he wants us to call him that) made us keep our eyes closed. He said he doesn't want us to have to see what the world has become. He said we were too innocent for this. Too pure.

We followed orders. Well, I did. Something about this guy just made me uncomfortable. He made me scared.

He told us we could open our eyes now. That we were home. But we aren't home.

Home is where my mom and dad is. And they aren't here.

They never will be..

We pulled into a gate and there were people everywhere. But I couldn't tell if they were good people or bad.. Some in army-like clothes. Some in house clothes..

The Governor got out first then picked me and Mika up. The truck was really far off the ground, so I can see why. 

But he didn't put us down.

He said, "I have someone to introduce you to.." 

Mika immediately questioned him. And I would have too, if he hadn't had me by the ribs. 

The Governor took Mika and me into his home. He told us to sit down, we did. Then he went over to the closet.. But in his closet, oh my goodness. His house smelled like dead people and leftover school meatloaf.

I didn't know it was literal.

He opened his closet door and a loud groan filled the air.

"What is that noise?" Mika asked. "It sounds like the noise from upstairs before mom.." 

"Shhh-shh-shh." The Governor was quick to shut Mika up. "Penny, my sweet girl.. Come out for daddy. I brought you some friends.."

And what came out of that closet was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

She looked like she was so sick. That poor girl. That poor man has to see his daughter suffer.

"What's wrong with her? Why does she look like that??" Mika but in, yet again, asking rude questions.

"Mika, she's sick, she can't help it! Don't be rude like that." I said to her, while keeping my eyes on the little girl.

Part of me wanted to believe she was indeed sick. But the other part of me knew she wasn't. There was something more.. Something seriously more..

"Governor, did you bring us here to be friends with your daughter?" I asked him, while picking up an old dirty doll from the coffee table.

"Yes, Lizzie, I did actually. I can't leave you alone with her. But I can let you play with her." He said. "She isn't getting better. I think it's because after she lost her mom.. She has had no fight. No motivation to get better. The rest of the kids here in Woodbury are scared of her. The rest don't want to be near her. So you have to help her. You have to play with her.. Make my little angel want to get better."

"I will. I will, I promise." I got up and ran to him, hugging the Governor super tight, to promise him. To mark my word.

After about two hours of talking to her, the Governor took us to where we would be staying. He said we were to stay with some really nice lady he met named Andrea. 

After meeting Penny, I opened my mind more. I could tell that Mika doesn't like her. But that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to. Mom and Dad would be so disappointed in her for being so rude. 

The entire time I was playing with Penny, Mika sat on the couch, giving her really mean looks. 

But I think Penny will be an amazing friend when she gets better. I know she'll get better soon. I'll be sure of it.

We met Andrea. And the Governor was right. She is really nice. But it didn't feel right. 

Something wasn't right, and I honestly don't know what it was.

Until I saw her.

There was a lady in the corner. Her skin was dark, and there was worry in her eyes. 


Andrea introduced her as Michonne. She said that Michonne saved her after she was sadly seperated from her other group.

What group? Why would she have a group?

Maybe she meant her friends.

I started to open my mouth to ask, but Mika beat me to it.

"How were you seperated from your group?"

At this point, the Governor was halfway out the door. He waved goodbye to us then left. 

The door remained shut.

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