Beautiful Girl, you can do hard things

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Beautiful Girl! I hope you don't mind me calling you that? You might not think it applies to you, but let's just go with it right now. You're Beautiful Girl. I'm Beautiful Girl, too. No, we're not all Beautiful Girls here, because some of the readers are boys. Oh, well. They can go with calling themselves whatever they like. We Beauties are going to beautify up a storm! How? Keep reading.

Just in case you want to call yourself a woman and not a girl, just remember that all Beautiful Women started out as Beautiful Girls. Let's go back to that stage (internally, at least) and ready, set, go!

What are the "hard things" you can do which are mentioned in the title? Now, you are going to tell me that. Look at your day so far. If you swallowed back an irritable reply, or smiled in the face of difficulty, you put forward a deposit towards becoming more beautiful. Simply because lipstick is no good if the lips are stuck in a frown. You have to smile to be beautiful. This smile is external beauty. Yup, we're not going to go into the "inner beauty is true beauty" stuff. You smile, you look good. You look good, you please others. You please others with good intentions in your heart, you please Allah. If you please Allah, you have everything. Oops, that's kind of, sort of, going towards "inner beauty", now, isn't it? 

Well, one way to put it is this: your inner self is going to come forward as your real body when you meet Allah. If your inner was good in this life, you'll look presentable in front of Allah, and then He will shape you into a Heavenly form that will surpass any airbrushed and Photoshopped image of this world, because hey, Allah has the super duper ultra paintbrush pack software that isn't ever going to be seen in plain old Photoshop. Now, the thing is, what do we do in the meantime, before the actual being bestowed with a Heavenly body stage of life? Work to earn the Heavenly benefits, of course. Really, if you get to meet Allah on good terms, then He will arrange for you a house in His Garden, along with all the Heavenly perks. The perkiest perk is getting to meet Allah. Everything else pales in comparison.

OK, all this is fine and dandy, but right in the here and now there's Earthly skin with pimples and blemishes and what not. What to do? That's what this book is about. Don't get me wrong, I have no skin care tips for you, rather, inner care tips to prevent the breakouts from happening on your skin in the first place. Yes, you can go gymming to get clear, glowing skin. Trust me, that's easier than what this book is going to tell you. Remember, I told you that you can do hard things. Putting one foot after another on the treadmill is easy compared to putting one foot forward in the direction of bliss which is both internal and external.

Excuse me, do I have you confused, talking about the inner and the outer all jumbled up together? Well, this isn't a postdoctoral thesis, so you will just have to bear with me with the "everything being thrown in together" part. Sort through the pieces of this book and you will find a nice one to hold in your hand, just like picking the best flower from the bunch, only, the ones you get from good books don't wither. I can hardly classify the words coming from my own hands (rather, keyboard) as a "good" book, but as it is merely a watered down form of good books I have been reading, you can say it is a book that aspires to be good. Whether it actually is good depends on how you read it.

Anyway, enough with the introduction. Let's get down to business!

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