Forever & Always: (5)

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My jaw dropped and the headphones fell from my ears, and Romeo turned around at an alarming speed. Both his hands were cupping himself, and he blushed a deep red, pure horror covered his features.

“Gah, I think I have gone blind!” My half hearted attempt at making the situation less awkward only increased the awkwardness. Quickly turning around he grabbed his town and wrapped it high around his waist, marching out the room without so much as an ‘excuse me’.

I threw down my iPod onto the tall boy by my door and stood staring into space for a few moments.

Suddenly I felt like skittles.

Forgetting Romeo’s previous naked state, I jogged down to the kitchen to get the skittles, and I saw Romeo from the corner of my eye slumped into one of the single white lounges in the loungeroom, my favorite one where I swear a groove has been molded from my butt.

His arms where crossed over his chest, and he was slouching back into the chair.

“Get of your high horse” I snorted at him and sat down on the huge arm of the couch.

“I’m not on a high horse” He said to me quietly.

“What’s the matter Romeo?” I sighed and hoped onto his lap.

He seemed surprised at first, but he sat up straighter and held me to his chest, fitting perfectly. I snuggled in close and breathed in the fresh, clean smell of him.

And that’s when I noticed he was still in the towel.

“Hey, where are you clothes?” I felt his rumble of his silent laughter and then the door bell rang.

“Here” He said and gestured for me to get of him.

I did as he asked and jumped back down onto the chair, cuddling the bright red cushion and then he went into the entrance to answer the door.

“Romeo!” Justice laughed at him, she must have seen him in the bright pink towel. Yes you heard me right, bright pink. “Have I ever told you that you should wear pink more often?” She belly laughed and then I walked out to see her.

“Hey Zivana!” Justice gave me a wave and threw Romeo a backpack, he gave her a grateful look and jogged up the stairs.

“Hey” I smiled back and stuck my thumb over my shoulder. “What’s up with him?”

“You can’t tell?” She asked incredulously.

“Um… no.” I shrugged, not having a clue about what she’s talking about.

“He likes you Ziv” She said laughingly.

“I know that. We’re friends”

“I mean. Like likes you.” She rolled her eyes and laughed again.

Oh. “I doubt that” I snorted. Yeah, as if, we had really only sort of got to know each other the past two days. But, then again, we did kiss. Twice…

“Mhmm.” She gave me a look and went and made herself home on the couch.

I followed her in and just started channel surfing on the plasma, when Ken waltzed in like he own the place, in all his male model glory. “Hey girls.” He kissed Justice quickly, but passionately and threw me a set of keys. Which hit me in the head. “Nice catch” He remarked, showing of his beautiful white teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2011 ⏰

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