The Meeting.
I've always been afraid of death. That moment when your eyes flutter shut, and you (presumably) finally lose consciousness. I wouldn't know though, I've never died.
But I'm going to.
Maybe not today. Maybe not in a few weeks. Maybe not even in fifty years. But one day, I'm going to.
My best friend, Abbigale Freeman died recently. Murder.
It kind of changes your outlook on life doesn't it? When someone you love leaves. Knowing you'll never see them again. Knowing no one will ever see them again.
I sat in language class, listening to our over enthusiastic teacher droning on in Italian. I can't actual remember why I took this class; I was already fluent in the language.
But after a few moments of reminiscing, I remember Abbigale wanted me to take this class with her. So when we travelled all over Italy once we got out of college, she would be able to understand what people were saying to her. She didn't want people insulting her without her knowing.
A pang cut through me thinking of her. Lately it's like a gut reflex. Her warming smiling, compassionate expression, and the fierce loyalty... Just... HER.
I rubbed my hands over my face and squinted at a random doodle on my desk, refusing to look at the empty seat next to me, keeping Abbigale far away from my thoughts.
"Miss. Callaghan?" Mr. Caristo asked me softly. I looked up to his aging figure, pity burning bright in his vivid brown eyes. "Do you need to take a step outside...?"
My breathing was becoming labored, and my head was starting to spin. Nothing would stay still.
The van... Full streets, scared onlookers... Memories flooded up behind my closed lids and I choked on my own breath.
"I think that would be best!" I coughed out, gulping down air.
I rose from my graffiti covered desk and wobbled to the door, Caristo keeping his hands just under my elbow the whole time, afraid I would fall, or pass out.
A geeky looking boy with slick black hair, and glasses thick enough to light ants on fire practically dived across his desk to open the door for the teacher.
Caristo thanked him in Italian and help me cross the large hall out to the yard.
As soon as the double doors were open, I sucked in fresher air and leaned against the rough brick wall, sliding down onto my butt and putting my head between my knees. Squeezing me eyes shut again, allowing the circles of color to distract me.
"Zivana..." My teacher sounded wary. I don't blame him. He was crouching next to an almost-crying hormonal teenager whose best friend was murdered. Who wouldn't be worried that they might do or say something wrong?
Scratch that. Not an almost-crying, just crying. Sobs were bubbling from my mouth and wet streaks were crawling down towards my quivering lips.
Mr. Caristo squeezed my shoulder sympathetically and rose up to make his way back to class.
When I realized I was alone, I let out a cry of anguish and ran my fingers through my curly chocolate brown hair.
I felt someone slid down next to me, a natural warmth radiating from them.
"Are you okay?" A heavily accented voice asked me.

Forever & Always
Teen FictionAbbigale Freeman is dead and like the perfect best friend, Zivana is having a hard time dealing with it. When Romeo comes to town and some of his friends come too, why is it that Zivana feels as though she's met Hayden before, and he's not to be tru...