District Seven Female - Circe Fortis - DEAD

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Name: Circe Fortis

Age: 15

Gender: Female

District: 7

Appearance: Tall and slender, very little in the way of muscle. Pale skin and oak brown hair - shoulder length. Blue eyes, flaked with green. Freckles across her cheeks and nose.

Personality: Generally quite reserved, rarely speaks to people she doesn't know. She is observant, and usually knows a trustworthy person when she see's one. Likes blending into the background and dislikes taking control. An excellent listener. Caring towards her friends and family, and fairly generous towards strangers. Can become quite angry while discussing moral issues.

Strengths: (1 - strongest) 1; Observation Skills (Listening, Tracking Skills) 2; Fast (Due to her longer legs) 3; Knowledge of Plants

Weapon of Choice/Experience: Not much experience, except with an axe. Her preferred weapon is a knife; she can use a knife in close combat and throw them with decent accuracy.

Token: A charm worn around her neck on a chord. The leaf carve from wood.

Author Games: Dacnomania Nexus AccourtWhere stories live. Discover now