District Ten Female - Fayra Lilianah Levinon - DEAD

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Name: Fayra Lilianah Levinon

Age: 15

Gender: Female

District: 10

Appearance: Long dark blonde hair (she's never cut it) that is usually put up in an array of braids and into a bun by her older sister, Azaila; wide, gray-blue eyes; kind of tall (5'6"); Thin build; tan or sunburned skin; has muscle, but she's not incredibly strong.

Personality: Usually kind, unless someone deserves something other than kindness; Has come to terms with death since she slaughters chickens, cows, sheep, and goats daily. Could kill if she had to, but not just for fun.

Strengths(three, ranked): 1 - wielding a knife, 2 - climbing (climbed over gates and up trees constantly as a child and it never really left her), and 3 - knows poisonous/non-poisonous plants from her mother's recipe book.

Weapon of choice/experience: Large knife

Token: A gold locket that was originally her great-grandmother's with a picture of both her parents in it.

Author Games: Dacnomania Nexus AccourtWhere stories live. Discover now