I Wanna Die

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This is the dress for the party and that's just a good song that's playing in the next chapter.

I was sitting in Kelsey's room when Jack came in. My heart was trying to start again.

"Okay?" He asked. Shit!

"What?" I asked confused.

"Um y-you are g-going b-back." He stuttered.

"Can we have a few more minutes?" I asked hopefully.

"I'll tell her in thirty minutes you'll be back." He said smiling.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked her.

"Yea what's up?" She said concerned.

"Its getting worse." I said bluntly.

"What is?" She asked.

"The depression, the social anxiety, the panic attacks, cutting." I said whispering the last part.

"What!" She yelled. Jack came running in.

"Where's the fire!?!" He yelled with the fire extinguisher in his hands. He looked confused that quickly faded and turned into a frown.

"I'm gonna go." He said walking out.

"We are going to a party and there is nothing you can do about it!" She said changing the subject while walking to her closet and pulled a dress out. She pushed it toward me.

"What? You think I'm going? No, no, no I'm not going to some silly party with teenagers being drunk out of their minds or with them sucking face or getting it on. No!"

"Okay so it's like that kinda party..... But! But Jack said its not a high school party."

"Then what kinda of party is it?" I asked

"A 5sos one." She said pushing me into the bathroom.

"Wait!" I yelled

"What?" She said confused

"I have to go back to the hell hole!" I said

"Shit!" She hissed.

"Yea," I sighed "guess I'll have to go back." I sighed frowning. What? It was a 5sos party and I was sad Luke and Michael were my favorites. :(
I was at the orphanage when someone texted me. Unknown=u
U "Hey"
M"Who is this??"
U "Who is this?? :)"
M "This is Jasmine! Who is this!?!"
U "My name is Michael :)"
M"Like the Michael from 5sos?"
U "Something like that :)"
M "Lol"
U "Yeah lol so what's up?"
M "You think I'm still gonna talk to you Idk who u r!"
U "I already told you! Lol"
M "well... Face time me so I know what you look like."
U "okay... You asked for it."
Face time from unknown
I answered the face time to come face to face well face to screen face with Michael fucking Clifford!


"Yea" he said laughing. God his face is beautiful. Oh god that was creepy.

"Are the guys with you?" I asked

"Yea hold on. GUYS SOMEONE IS ON THE PHONE COME HERE!" He said I heard a faint no. "LUKE GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND BRING THE GUYS NOW!" He screamed I love it when he's mean to Luke.

"Wow the videos don't even compare to how much you're mean to him." I said laughing lightly.

"You watch those videos?" He said raising an eyebrow. Oh shit I'm gonna die now.

"Pshhh no what I would never! No your weird!" I said laughing

"Hey its okay that just shows how big a fan you are. Oh hey Luke. This is Jasmine. Hey are you going to the party?" He asked Luke looking hopeful.

"I don't know I have to ask Miss."

"Wait who do you have to ask?" He asked confused. I don't get why he's confused. Oh shit he doesn't know I'm in a orphanage!

"Ummm..... Uh I-I gotta go! Bye!"

"What no!" He said as I hung up. That was close he almost found out. I couldn't live with myself if they found out my secret well its not really a secret but I don't want everybody knowing my businesses. He tried calling back but I don't answer but I did save his numbers and went to ask miss about the party
She said I could go so I headed over to Kelsey's house to get ready. I walked in her room to find her asleep. I slid on next to her like we used to do and I yelled in her ear she jumped up like she was on fire.

"WHAT THE HELL!" She screamed at me I burst out laughing and after a minute she joined me. Jack came running in with a surprised face when he looks at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks losing all the nervousness in his eyes.

"Oh! Miss said I could go to the party so I came here to get ready with Kels is that okay Miss said it was okay? Oh no its not okay oh no I'm in the way of your bonding time! I'm just gonna go die now." I said walking past him until he grabs my arm gently.

"No I just forgot its okay. We will be driving over there in about an hour I'll go tell Alex to get ready." He said quickly pulling back his arm.

"Ummm... Okay..." I said walking back to Kelsey putting my face in my hands. He left the room and I felt someone hug me whispering its okay but it wasn't I made a fool out of myself in front of Jack.

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