A Date to Remember

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All time Low were doing their set. They were singing Therapy I love that song. Me and Kelsey were waving our hands along to the song. I made eye contact with Jack he smiled at me and I smiled back. I was singing along when Jack whispered something to Alex.

"Okay so we are gonna bring to people up here today!" Alex shouts in the mic. I look at Kelsey with wide eyes.

"Kelsey and Jasmine! Come up here!" He said smiling. I shook my head no but Kelsey was already dragging me up there. We sang a couple songs when jack asked me something. He pulled me to where he stands and asked a question.

"Can I please kiss you now?" He asked. I answered by kissing him. He responded almost instantly. Everyone cheered.

"I'll definitely remember this day." I whispered.

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