Can't Do This

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Don't know how long this one is going to be all I know is that the last one was pretty long sooooooo these are her vans that she's wearing. And that's just another song that you'll find out about later! Tehe

We were driving to the party and I didn't feel like myself. I mean yeah I'm wearing something I can stand but I wouldn't wear this willingly but anyway I was wearing a black dress that came down to about mid thigh and Kelsey let me wear my vans. I felt pretty but I also felt fake. I was so deep in thought I didn't know that we were here till I heard a door slam. I got out of the car and caught up with Kelsey.

"Hey should I be scared?? There's a lot of people here." I said nervously.

"No come on its gonna be okay." She said smiling. Oh no I'm gonna die! I was looking down while walking behind Kelsey. I saw someone with bright blue hair run by me screaming at the top if his lungs.

"Is that who I think it is??" Kelsey asked

"Yea! Oh I forgot to tell you I met Michael on face time but he didn't realize that I was in an orphanage so I hung up before he had the chance to find out." I said bracing for the impact.

"Why would you do that he would like you either way dumbass!" She said while hitting me repeatedly.

"I'm sorry I just didn't want him to know right away!" I yelled
She just sighed and started walking she looked back I took that as my invite to follow. Some how I had lost her and suddenly I bumped into a muscular man. I looked up and saw the one and only ASHTON FUCKING IRWIN!!

"Sorry love didn't see you there." He said smiling with those dimples that I love that made me smile as well.

"N-no that w-was all m-my f-fault." I said tripping over my words.

"Hey your the girl Michael talked to right??" He asked his Australian accent still thick.

"What? Oh Yea we talked for a little bit." I said trying not to make eye contact. I saw Jack standing back in the crowd but I could still see the anger in his eyes. I didn't know why he was angry.
Jack's POV.
I saw her standing with Ashton and I don't know why but it made me angry.

Hey lovelys sorry for the really short chap but don't have much time with school and shit so love you guys!

Bye love you!

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