Harry the monster

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Nelly and i went on mostly all the rides here. From ride to ride, she would have a death grip on my hand. I cant blame the girl. I would be like that too.

We were stepping off the ride and i tripped down the steps. Nelly was laughing her head off. It looked like she was about to pee herself.

"Come on Ni! Lets go in this one!" She yelled, dragging me to a ride.


Me, Louis and Lilah have gone on most of the rides. Most of them were a two person seat. So Louis always went alone or with some stranger.

"Harry, can we get cotton candy?" Lilah and Louis begged me. They are such kids. I nodded and we all walked over to the cart of cotton candy.

Louis was skipping ahead of his to get to a ride while we just walked. Our hands touched and i felt sparks. I guess she felt something too because she blushed and started smiling.

I intertwined out fingers as looked at her. She was blushing more, her smile was bigger and her blue eyes stared into my green ones.

We ran over to where Louis was and saw that he was already on the ride. He saw us and waved to us. We laughed and waved back.

Me and Lilah started walking around waiting for Louis' ride to stop. "Harry, you're so sweet, cute and funny but you have tour in two days." she says looking down at the dirt. Oh my god. I totally forgot about our tour.

"We can text, Skype and all that, right?" I ask stopping in my place and looking at her.

"I don't know Harry, i mean your going to be at concerts all the time an you'll be out of the country." She drags on.

I stop her and look her straight in the eyes. "Lilah, i know we just met today, but when we are together, its different. I feel different. You fit in perfectly fine with all of us. I really like you. You're different. And i really want to make this work. Will you come with us on tour?" I ask. Shes blushing and smiles at me.

"Yeah I will."


"Nelly!" Dad screams. I thought he was supposed to be with Harry and Lilah.

"Yes dad?"

"Wait up, Im alone!" He yells to me and Niall.

He catches up to us and explains how he went on a ride and then they left him. "How could he? I thought he was my Hazbear!" He fake cried.

His phone started buzzing. He took it out of his pocket, looked at it and shoved it back in.

"Dad, aren't you gonna answer that?" I asked.

"No. Why would i do that?" he asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Who was it?" I asked, looking at him. Before he could answer my phone went off. I took it out of my pocket, looked at it and saw it was Harry.

"Oh! Hold on." I say to him.

"Hi Harry!" I yell into the phone.

"Hi peanut. You're on speaker and uh, i have a small problem." He says.

"What kind of problem? Please don't tell me you killed her already. Harry i told you to stop doing that to innocent girls!" I yell, trying to hold back a laugh.

"No, what are you talking about? I lost Louis!"

"You know what im talking about. You always came home from dates and tell me you killed the girl. Then you would have me try and hide the body. Oh and dad? You lost him? He's just a kid Harry! Maybe Niall ate him. You never know. He will come for you next. Better run." I say into the phone.

I hung up and went into hysterics. Dad and Niall did too. I couldn't look at them the whole time i was talking or i would have started laughing.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was 8:26. Dang. I guess the Funtime is over.

We start heading over to the car, but i hear my name being called my Harry. Oh no.

"Run!" I scream and start running to the car. Dad and Niall are right behind me. Then Harry and Lilah are right behind them.


I can hear Nelly screaming and yelling from here. God she a loud child.

I look at my phone and see i have 4 missed calls from Harry. Oops. I look at the time; 8:26. Everyone should meet at the car in 4 minutes.

"Let's go head to the car and wait." I say to Zayn. He just nods. We went on almost every ride. It was pretty fun.

We walk to the car, but hear Harry scream Nelly's name, then hear her scream run.

This will be interesting. I cant wait to hear the story.

I see Nelly, Louis and Niall all running to the cars with Harry and Lilah hot on their tails. Me and Zayn hop in our car waiting for Niall.

He hops in, followed by Louis and Nelly. "Go! He's gonna get us!" Nelly screams.

I back up and see them getting in their car. I take off and go to the restaurant.

"They are right behind us. Liam go faster. Do you want me dead?" Nelly yells. Everyone laughs at her. She started laughing right after she said it too.


We spot Nelly with Niall and Louis. Wow traitor.

"Nelly!" I yell to her. She looks back sees me and yells run. All three of them start running and then we start running.

They all hop in Niall car and drive off. We hop in mine and take off to follow them. I think they are headed to the restaurant.


They pull in, with us right behind them. We both park and i see a familiar car.

Nelly, slowly but carefully gets out with Niall and Zayn blocking her. Then Louis and Liam get out. Them right behind the three. Liam just walks off like its nothing.

We walk toward them and she screams. She jumps into Liam and screams more.

"nelly!" A women yells. I couldn't see who she was. Nelly's head flips to where the voice came from.


We all hop out. I get out first because the rest but Liam are scared. I get out slowly to see if he's there.

Zayn and Niall protect me and then Louis and Liam get out. Liam just walks to the building with ease.

I see Harry looking right at me. He starts coming toward me and i scream. I run and jump onto Liam, hoping he will protect me from that monster.I start screaming more once he starts coming toward me again.

"Nelly!" A women yells. I dont know any women's besides Lilah, mom and Perrie.

I turn to see who it is but i cant make out who it is. I grab Liam's hand and start walking over to where the voice was.

I was squeezing Liam's hand pretty hard while we were walking. Once i got closer i saw who it was.

How did she get here so fast?


Hello my lovelys! How is your summer so far ?

Ok well you see, what had happened was .... I tried to update yesterday but i forgot to. Then today i just remembered that i had to update. 

Sooo here it is. I hope you liked it !

Ill update as soon as i can ok?(:

Comment and vote(:

I need 5 votes for an update.

Love you❤

Peace out Girl Scout!✌


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