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Chapter 30:

**Nelly's p.o.v.**

" Nelly, you don't remember anything. You hit your head pretty hard on a pole. Let me ask you a few questions, ok? " someone with a buzz cut said looking straight in my eyes. I just nod.

" what is your name? "

" Nelly Calder "

" no its not. Its Nelly Tomlinson "

" im pretty sure it isn't. I haven't been adopted yet." I reasoned.

" yes you have. Ok next question, what is your age?"

" 12 " i said in a ' dah ' tone.

" no your 13. "

" how am i 13? My birthday is in like 2 or 3 months. "

**Louis' p.o.v.**

" how am i 13? My birthday is in like 2 or 3 months " good, she didnt loose that much of her memory. But the bad part is, she doesn't remember us adopting her.

" Nelly, i adopted you. And today is August 1st. I adopted you about 2 months before your birthday. And Eleanor is your adopted mother. " i said looking at her.

" OMG ! Realllly ! Shes my mom! " she started freaking out. El started laughing.

" yes, im your mom, but we need to get you to a doctor to see how long your memory will be gone for. Ok?" Eleanor said and Nelly just nodded her head.

I grabbed her hand and she flinched. I sighed and let go, but she grabbed it again. I looked at her and smiled.

We walked toward the door of the bus and you can already hear the screams from the fans outside.

I opened the door and i went blind. Flashes everywhere. I felt Nelly's hand slip from mine so i looked down. She gone.

Time to panic.

**Nelly's p.o.v.**

The was people everywhere. Why? They kept screaming in my ears. A girl grabbed my arm and tugged me. I felt my hand slip from my ' dads ' hand. I couldn't see him anymore.

Someone pulled me to the ground and started kicking me. They kicked me in the stomach and my ribs. I started crying, trying to get away.

They stopped for a second, so it was my chance to try and get up. I barely got up, but then i was kicked back to the ground.

My head hit the ground and everything started to go black. The last thing i heard was a the girl who was kicking me.

" die you worthless little girl, they don't care about you. "

Then it went black.

**Harry's p.o.v.**

" Nelly ! " i heard Louis scream repeatedly.

" Louis ! Where's Nelly! " i ask, trying to yell over the girls.

" i dont know ! A girl grabbed her and now i cant find her !" He cried.

" we will find her. Ill get Liam to call security!" I yell. He nodded and kept looking.

I ran trying to find Liam. I saw him already with Paul. I ran up to him.

" Paul ! We neeed more security ! Someone grabbed Nelly away from Louis ! " i screamed. He nodded and grabbed his Walky-Talky.

I ran back to Louis and helped him look for Nelly.

" die you worthless little girl, they don't care about you. " i heard a girl yell. I turned around and saw Nelly's eyes closed and the girl kick her.

" NO !" I cried and ran to her. " how could you !" I screamed in the girls face. I picked up Nelly and ran back to everyone. Lilah stopped me with teary eye.

" Harry, i have to talk to you. " she yelled over everyone.

" not now! We have to go to the hospital. " i yelled back. She just sighed and nodded. I ran to Paul and he got us into the van. We all hopped in and headed to the hospital.


" Nelly Tomlinson's family?" A nurse called. All 7 of us stood up, Paul stayed outside in the van. We walked over to her.

" follow me " she constricted. We nodded and followed her. We reached a room. She opened it and let us all in. There was Nelly, laying on the bed, eyes closed.

" hello, I'm Doctor Meere. Nelly here, has a broken rib and a fractured ankle. Oh and also, she hit her head pretty hard on the ground so she will have a lot of head pain. Just give her some Advil and it will help her. She should wake up soon. " the nurse said and we nodded. She flipped her papers and walked out of the room.

" how could one of the fans do this to her ? Why would they ever do that !" Liam cried.

" the girl that did this to her told her to die and that we don't care about her. " i answered looking at Nelly.

" why ?! That is no way to talk to a little girl !" Zayn yelled. We all shrugged our shoulders, and grabbed a chair. We all pulled it up around her bed. Louis grabbed her hand and just held it in his.

**Nelly's p.o.v.**

I flutter my eyes open to see the lads, mom and Lilah.

" hi guys, where am i?" I said quietly, looking around the room.

" Nelly, your in the hospital. You have a broken rib, and a fractured ankle. You remember us right?" Dad asked.

" well yeah, why wouldn't i ? Dad, are you ok? Do you have a temperature?" I asked putting my hand on his forehead. He just laughed, shook his head, and pulled me into his chest, giving me a hug.

I chuckled and hugged him back, smiling.


Elllllllllo lovelys !

So Nelly got her memory back ! What do you think of the chapter ? Did you like it ? I was gonna make it different but i didn't want to be meann.😁

Wellllllll, i hope you liked it. Ok get over it, im gonna say this every time, maybe. Im getting sick of writing it.

Soooo, if you liked it, vote and commment !☺

Peace Out Girl Scout !✌


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