Chapter 6

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I arrived at the party and everyone look like they were having a good time. Being dragged to this party wasn’t my first idea of fun; to be honest it was a dare to come here. My “friends: said I needed to broaden my horizons a bit. So I had been dressed up in a short skirt and a top that showed a lot of cleavage.

Heels were another thing that bothered me; I didn’t hate heights, but I liked the fact that I was short. My hair was down and curled to perfection. For my dare I had to just show up and show off, they said it would be a bonus if I could get a few numbers.

Dancing was my favorite thing to do, so for most of the night I had a drink in my hand and a body moving on the dance floor. I got a lot of stares, mostly guys and more than half of them I didn’t know. The other percentage was just there to make sure the dare was followed through.

After a while it got tired so I was going to make my way outside to get some fresh air. While walking I was looking over my shoulder waving to a few people from school. That’s when I bumped into someone. Because of my shortness even with the heels I had to look up to see who it was. This guy had long brown hair with a hat on backwards and tight fitting clothes.

“Sorry.” I said nervously. He honestly looked scary so I tried my best to get past him as quick as possible. His friend caught my eye though. Medium black hair that just made his blue eyes stand out even more. He too was wearing tight fitting clothes and all of a sudden he smiled at me. I turned and went to sit down on a bench swing. After a few minutes of just sitting there I heard a voice that stood out from the rest.

“Hey do you mind if I sit down?” I looked up in shock it was the guy from earlier with the amazing blue eyes. All I could do was nod because I was speechless. “I’m Kellin by the way. Kellin Quinn.” I think he gave me the brightest smile I had ever seen.

“Allison Hayes.” Kellin was already making me more comfortable than I’d ever been at a party.

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” I couldn’t help but blush at this point. “You don’t seem like the party type though. Why are you here? Boyfriend?” I kind of liked how he assumed I had a boyfriend even though it wasn’t the case.

“More like a dare, and I don’t have one. My friends don’t think I get out much. I mean don’t get me wrong I don’t sit at home and burry myself in books or studying, I just keep to myself a lot.” He was actually listening unlike most boys who would kind of just ignore me.

“Here you go.” An unexpected voice came from behind me. It was Kellin’s friend he had been walking with.

“Thanks, Jesse.” Kellin took the drink from Jesse’s stretched out hand. “This is Allison.” Kellin gestured towards me. It’s almost like he wanted nothing to do with me. Was he really that upset that I bumped into him?

“How old are you?” I was kind of surprised that Jesse was trying to keep conversation he didn’t look like he talked much.

“I’m 15.” Is all I could conjure up into saying after everything that’s happened tonight already. I didn’t dare make eye contact with Jesse though I knew that would be a bad idea.

“Aren’t you a little young for Kellin?” Jesse asked laughing. Kellin just smacked him in the arm. Yet Jesse continued with his remarks. “He usually goes for more…experienced girls. I’m surprised you’re lowering your standards Kellin.” Kellin just glared at Jesse hating him for saying that. I got pretty shy after that and didn’t talk much, in fact I almost got up and left.

“Allison I’m only 17 don’t listen to him. Jesse is always trying to sabotage my nights.” I gave Kellin a slight smile for his efforts of trying to fix things. After a while it had gotten cold and Kellin said he’d go get his jacket which was unfortunately inside. I decided to just go with Kellin rather than stay here with Jesse. Again, I was officially terrified of the guy after the looks he had been giving me throughout the night.

Memories (Kellin Quinn Love Story) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now