Memories (Kellin Quinn Love Story) Chapter 1

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Hey Guys,

So this is a new story I'm working on please comment and tell me if you like it and should continue :) thanks!

Allison's P.O.V

“Listen Bitch, I don’t think you get it. I’m done with you and your bullshit!” I yelled kind of hoping it would come out a little calmer. “You think that you can just walk around this school like you own it.”

“Don’t talk to me.” She said back in that snotty attitude of hers.

“No you listen to me.”

“Nope, sorry maybe next time.” That was it she pushed me to my limits for the last time.

“No! You’re a snotty ass bitch who thinks that everyone likes you when they don’t.” And I pushed her. She gave me that ‘no you didn’t look’. Everyone thought I was scared of her, and I was just about to prove them wrong. When she went to push me back I punched her square in the face.

The crowd of people that had gathered were now either standing there in shock or trying to help the girl up. I looked around thanking god that was the only thing I did. Receiving a lot of death glares, I decided that it would be a good idea to get out of here. So I walked over to my car noticing that people were heading over here, but there were several guys who stood in front of them. None of which I knew, I guess they just didn’t want any more fights.

I blasted The Bomb Dot Com by Sleeping With Sirens as I started to drive. My hand was cramping really bad so I decided to stop at the store and get some bandages. Walking through the isles I finally got the right bandages and was out of there in no time.

As I was walking I decided to be stupid and start to try and wrap my bleeding hand. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking and walked into someone. All I saw was a white shirt that was now covered with one big spot of red of it. I mumbled underneath my breath, “Shit, I’m sorry.”

When I continued walking because I was scared to death of who it might be I felt a tug on my arm. I took a deep breath turning around. This time I looked up at the person, and it was a guy. I didn’t know him, but I knew him for sure. There was no way anyone could mistake him.

“Are you ok?” He questioned, almost like he didn’t even realize there was fresh blood on his shirt. All I could do was nod my head and obviously he didn’t believe me. The next thing I knew he was inspecting my bruises and cuts, and wrapped it properly.

“Thanks.” Was all I could mutter when he stood up. And he smiled.

“Kellin!!!” He went wide eyed, while still looking at me.  My heart started racing when I knew that it was him. “Come on!”

“I’ll be right there Jessie.” He turned to face the other guys who he was with, but for some reason he looked back. “Could you not tell anyone about this?” Nodding I started to walk away with my head down. Knowing that he didn’t want me to say anything, because he didn’t want anyone to know what happened kind of broke me a bit.

I got into my car and Kellin’s albums were still playing when I turned on the car. “Stomach Tied In Knots” started and I just sat there for a few minutes. Am I not pretty? I questioned myself. But I figured I should get out of there before they come back to the parking lot. Too late though as I passed the store, they were leaving. I tried to make sure that they didn’t see me, but as I glanced at them Jesse gave me a glare.

Tears were about to start pouring down my face so I just took my sun glasses and put them over my eyes. I think Kellin noticed, and as I was going to pass them Kellin stepped in front of the car and I slammed on the breaks.

“Wait!” He yelled, my window was rolled down and I waited to see if he’d say anything else. “Take off your sun glasses for me?” So I did and there was a tear already rolling down my cheek. I tried not to look at him, but when my eyes meet Kellin’s I felt my heart break.

“You know what? I’ve got something really important to take care of” I said putting my sunglasses back on, and I sped off. That was pretty close.

God I hate Jesse that’s all I kept saying to myself. He doesn’t know the whole story so why is he treating me like this. I was stopped at a red light, and it was a pretty long one so I started rapping parts from “Rhyme or Reason” by Closer 2 Closure.

Kellin’s songs were the only way I could stay close to him yet so far since what happened. The guys pulled up next to me, but that didn’t stop me from rapping. “That girl really likes Kellin’s music.” I think that was Jack, but I wasn’t so sure.

“You have no idea.” My head snapped towards them when I heard Jesse say that under his breath. Apparently I was the only one who heard that because no one commented. Luckily we were going two different ways I could stand to be this close to them anymore.

It was time to keep my mind on moving. I was moving in with my best friend Kelly who lived in San Francisco, CA. She suggested I move in there a few years ago, but I told her I needed to be on my own for a while. I had my fun and worked pretty hard to have as much money as possible in my savings. I wasn’t going to get my parents money for another 2 years. In there will it said that my 24 I’d be getting there money, but for now it was locked away.

Memories (Kellin Quinn Love Story) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now