21 ; carnival | riggs

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this is a long one lmao aND THANK YOU BELLA FOR REQUESTING <3

Bella's POV

"Hey." I smiled after accepting Chandler's FaceTime request.

"Hi." Chandler smiled back. He was in bed, his hair messed up and he was wearing his glasses. He looked attractive, not gonna lie.

"What's up?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, go ahead."

"I was wondering-" he scratched the back of his neck. "If you wanted to go to that carnival fundraiser thing with me.."

Our school was having a PTA fundraiser at the town's carnival. I mean, I would love to go with Chandler- but only as friends. I never really..liked him like that. Kinda. It's complicated. We've been friends since middle school and now we are barley seniors in high school. I don't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship.

"I would love to!" I smiled.

"Really?" he looked up from playing with his fingers, his eyebrows raised.

"Of course I would go! You're my best friend."

"Oh- yeah." I could tell he was faking a smile.

"What time am I being picked up?" I said, breaking the silence.

"Is 7 okay?"


"Great. I'll see you then."

"Okay, bye Chandler."


We hung up after that. He was acting weird. It was like he was sad- almost. I didn't really know why. Is it something I said? Was it my fault?

// fast forward to friday aka the day of the carnival fundraiser thing

I walked down the halls, passing by other students. I made it to my locker without being tripped, which was great.

"Hey." a voice said as I pulled my French textbooks out.

I looked beside me and saw Chandler leaning against the wall of lockers. "Hey." I smiled.

"Excited for tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah." I closed my locker then we started to walk, side by side.

"I was wondering-" he said as something touched my hand. I looked down to see his fingers intertwine with mine.

"If we could go get some pizza after school today." he smiled, his face turning a shade of pink.


"That would be nice." I smiled as we reached the classroom. "I'll see you then." I said, cupping his jawline to lean in and peck his cheek.

"Haha- yeah." he scratched the back of his neck and watched me walk into class.

He's cute. He's sweet. He's perfect.

// bloo bloo after skoo

"Bella!" Chandler shouted as he ran up to me. "You walk fast." he giggled, his eyes creasing. I love it when his face crinkles up slightly when he laughs and smiles, I could tell he is genuinely happy.

"Well, I'm sorry." I said, placing my hand over my chest to act offended. We ended up at a Pizza Hut down the block, eating inside.

chandler riggs + carl grimes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now