The One Where Draco Flirts

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[Hermione Granger has logged on]

[Draco Malfoy has logged on]

Draco Malfoy: Hey, Granger!

Hermione Granger: What?

Draco Malfoy: I heard you like bad boys. Is that true?

Hermione Granger: Yeah. You heard right.

Draco Malfoy: Not trying to impress you or anything, but when Disney Channel told me to ask my parents before going online, I didn't.

Hermione Granger: Oooh, impressive. If only there was such a thing as a sarcastic font.

Draco Malfoy: Oh yeah? Well, not trying to impress you, but I swim without floaties.

Hermione Granger: *blank stare*

Draco Malfoy: I, um, I...

Hermione Granger: Go on. How else do you live dangerously?

Draco Malfoy: Sometimes I run with scissors, because I feel dangerous when I do.

Hermione Granger: What's the worst you've done?

Draco Malfoy: Well.....

Hermione Granger: Well what?

Draco Malfoy: I'm not sure if I should tell you.

Hermione Granger: Go one, tell me.

Draco Malfoy: Well, one time, when Professor Sprout said to raise your hand if you knew the answer...

Hermione Granger: Uh, okay.

Draco Malfoy: I knew the answer, but I didn't raise my hand.

Hermione Granger: Wow, you really are bad!

Draco Malfoy: I know. How about date!

Hermione Granger: Sure! When are you-

Draco Malfoy: Sorry, I don't date muggle-borns.

[Draco Malfoy has logged off]

[Hermione Granger had logged off]

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