The One with Math

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[Hermione Granger has logged on]

[Harry Potter has logged on]

[Ron Weasley has logged on]

Hermione Granger: Would either of you like to help me with my arithmacy homework? It's simple!

Harry Potter: Sure Hermione, I bet they are easy! I am the Chosen One after all!

Hermione Granger: Okay, here is the first one: Mark has 47 grape fruits. You give him 13 more grapefruits. How many grape fruits does Mark have?

Ron Weasley: 14!

Hermione Granger: No, Ronald, that's not it. Harry, want to give it a go?

Harry Potter: That's easy! Mark clearly has a grapfruit addiction. He is hoarding grape fruits. You, Hermione, by giving him more, are not helping him by giving him more. Put Mark in rehab.

Hermione granger: No, that's not it either Harry!

Harry Potter: Yes!

Hermione Granger: No! Here's another one. John as 32 candy bars. He eats 28 of them. How many does he have left?

Ron Weasley: 52!

Harry Potter: Diabetes. John has diabetes.

Hermione Granger: Once again, you both are wrong. Give me serious answers! This is the last one: Suppose I have 10 cakes. You come and take 8. How many do I have left?

Harry Potter: 2 cakes. But really, Hermione? Sirius answers? Just because he's my godfather doesn't mean I can think like him!

Hermione Granger: WRONG!!! and, S-E-R-I-O-U-S! NOT S-I-R-I-U-S!!!

Ron Weasley: 4?

Hermione Granger: NO!!!!!! I have 10 cakes, a dead body, and a warrant out for my arrest! Agggh! You two are imbeciles! I'm out!

[Hermione Granger has logged off]

Harry Potter: Her loss! Me too.

[Harry Potter has logged off]

Ron Weasley: Now I need cake!

[Ron weasley has logged off]

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