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Now where is the little waif?  I’ve been riding up and down here every damn day!  It is not like I don’t have work to do or anything.  She did say she comes here in the afternoons, so exactly what time does she come here?

Natasha paced up and down in her chamber.  The weather was stifling.  It was a very hot summer, she longed for a swim.  Dare she take a risk?  She did not want to face the wrath of that cold blooded reptile, otherwise also known as the rightful owner of the lake she wanted to take a swim in.  Making her mind up, she grabbed a towel, her cloak and headed for the Marquis’s lake.  Damn it he can’t be so selfish, he must just learn to share. 

She treaded cautiously around the cascading trees, not sure if she was more terrified of the wild dogs or the crocodile himself.  Nervously Natasha arched her neck to the left and right, trying to spot anybody or in particular a man on a black horse.  She could see no dust rising about anywhere into the air and so, began to peel of her dress.  She removed her bodice and drawers and dived like an expert into the lake.  Heavenly, she purred, diving deep underneath then coming up for a breath of air.

‘Lord Crowcombe what are you doing here?’ Natasha dived back under the water, making sure only her head was above the water.

‘Making sure nobody else can see you swimming Miss Grayson?’  He was actually smiling.  He should smile more often she thought to herself.  He definitely did not look like a cold blooded reptile right now, perched so attractively on his horse.

‘Aren’t you coming out of the water Miss Grayson?’

Are you mad?  I have no clothes on!

‘How long have you been there?’ she demanded.

‘Oh about fifteen minutes,’ he gave her another gorgeous smile.

‘Why didn’t you say something?’

‘I didn’t want to disturb you.’

‘You’re not angry that I’m using your lake?’

‘How about you come out of the water so we don’t need to shout to one another?’

Natasha did want to put her clothes on again.  She did not like that he could probably see her naked body from the vantage point of his horse, but how could she get out of the water with him staring at her like that?

‘Could you turn the other way my lord, and don’t look until I am fully dressed,’ she instructed.

She heard a soft laugh, his horse was turned to the opposite direction.  The marquis’ back to her.  Natasha quickly ran out of the water, hurriedly dried herself, and slipped on all her clothes.  Her bodice felt wet against her skin, for she’d not wiped herself properly.

‘Okay you can turn around now,’ she spoke softly, but he heard and slid off his horse and walked towards her.

‘Where have you be the whole week?’ he demanded

‘I beg your pardon my lord?’

‘You said you come in the afternoons.  I have not seen you here the entire week, or the whole of last week if you want the truth.

‘I knew you disapproved of me trespassing on your property,’ she fumbled with the hem of her frock, ‘but it was so unbearably hot today, so I ---took the risk to come here, and here I am caught red handed,’ she mumbled.

He just stared at her, his face impassive.  She wondered if he felt like shooting her down, like he did to the wild dogs on the night he came to fetch her father.  Natasha dared not lift her head, she did not want to see an angry scowl on his face, but she did eventually look up when she saw his hands reaching towards the saddle on his horse.  He removed a silver flask from under the saddle, opened it and took a long swallow.  Natasha watched thirstily, as she studied his mouth closed over the mouth of the flask.  Whether her thirst was from dehydration or something else, she quickly perished her train of thought. 

THE Marquis's Mistress: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now