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Good afternoon Benedict,’ the duke greeted his son enthusiastically.

‘Father you are making amazing progress,’ Benedict smiled warmly at his father.

‘I think it calls for a celebration, don’t you son?’ 

Natasha watched as the smile disappeared from Benedict’s face.

‘What are you saying father?’

‘Why --- we must have a ball tomorrow evening off course.’

‘Father, there’s no need to be hasty, the ball can wait.’

‘Nonsense,’ his father discarded.  ‘You will invite Lady Louisa.’ 

Natasha saw the dark look that filled Benedict’s eyes before he hid it.  ‘I want Miss Natasha there as well and off course her sister, who was my first nurse.  We need to thank them for assisting me.’

‘There’s no need your grace. Lord Benedict has been more than gracious with the wage, he pays us.’

‘Things are moving a bit too slow between you and the lady,’ the duke declared.  ‘So get the footmen running with the invitations.’ Natasha could feel the anger emanating from Benedict’s body.

‘I will wait outside my lord,’ Natasha addressed Benedict, but she was cut off from his vision and his hearing, he was far away, wrapped up in his own private hell.

‘Father I have many a task to do,’ she heard Benedict raise his voice.  ‘My desk has a mountain of paperwork, which I have not had the time to look at.’ 

But you find the time for me Benedict.

It’s too short notice father, perhaps the ball can wait a week or so,’ Benedict played for time.

‘There is nothing you need do son.  Get the butler and the kitchen staff to work.  Just you work on making that offer to Lady Louisa.  That’s all you need work at,’ his father instructed.

‘Excuse me father, I have matters to attend to,’ Benedict stormed out, and quietly closed the door behind him.  His eyes met with Natasha’s as he exited his father’s chamber.  Natasha nervously looked away.  ‘I am sorry to have overheard all of that,’ she murmured. 

Benedict spoke not a word to her, his eyes were raging with anger, a dark scowl on his face, as he stormed to his library.  Natasha slowly opened the door and entered the duke’s chamber.

‘Where have you been, dear?’ he smiled.  ‘I thought you have left for the day.’

‘Not yet,’ Natasha smiled, as she adjusted his bed coverings and fed the duke his medication.  She pulled out one of the books of English poems to read to him.  When it was time for Natasha to leave, she found Benedict waiting with the carriage to escort her home.  ‘My lord, I will walk home.  There’s no need---’

‘Get in.  I have an invitation to extend to yourself and Miss Crystal,’ he was still wearing his angry scowl.  Natasha did not argue.  She accepted his hand and hopped on, and quietly sat at the edge of her seat.  Benedict kept his eyes focused ahead.  She wanted to reach out, and just touch his hand in comfort, but he might just bite her hand, in the foul mood he was in.  When he arrived at the cottage, he hopped off and extended a hand to her.  Benedict marched to the front door and knocked.

‘My lord, good afternoon,’ Sophie greeted, looking from Benedict to Natasha.  ‘Is Natasha not doing a good job my lord?  I know she is no nurse, and the duke probably prefers Crystal to---.’

‘Miss Natasha is doing a very fine job, Mrs Grayson,’ Benedict cut her off.  ‘Infact she is doing a better job than the professional nurse we previously hired.  The reason I have come is to extend an invitation to Miss Crystal and Miss Natasha to attend a ball at the estate tomorrow night,’ Benedict invited unsmilingly.

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