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‘Where would you like me to take you for your honeymoon my love?’  Benedict smiled as he held his wife tightly in his arms.  He had hurriedly taken her to his bed chamber and locked the door. 

Guests were still outside celebrating their wedding, but Benedict much preferred to celebrate privately in his bed alone with his wife.

‘Honeymoon?’ she repeated, splaying her fingers across his lips, as she snuggled closer to his body.

‘Yes,’ he kissed her neck, then hoisted her body atop his chest.

‘Benedict!’ she laughed.

‘You are my wife now.  We need not fear anybody,’ he whispered.  ‘We can make love anytime and every time we desire it.’

‘I cannot believe I am your wife.’

‘Neither can I,’ Benedict shook his head.  ‘You do not know the feeling of dread I felt walking down that aisle.  It felt like I was walking to my death.’

‘Thank God, it ended well,’ Natasha cupped his face.  She closed her eyes and kissed his lips.

‘You are not tired, are you my love?’ Benedict hinted.

‘You want me again,’ she blushed.

‘I will want you all the time,’ he hugged her fiercely.

‘Oh okay.’

‘You still have not told me where you would like to have your honeymoon.  I want you all to myself for a little while,’ he demanded.

‘Do we have the money?  We need to pay your father, and the expenses were very high for the wedding.’

‘I am a wealthy man Natasha.  I will settle with father tomorrow.  Now how about I take you on a ship around the continent?’

‘Oh I do not mind my lord.  As long as we are together, I will be happy.’

‘Are you comfortable living here with my parents?  Do you wish us to acquire another property?’

‘I love it here my lord. I love the duke and duchess as well, and the staff are all so terribly kind to me,’ she smiled.

‘That is because you are an Angel,’ he chuckled.  ‘That is why everybody adores you.’

‘I canot wait to have our children Natasha .  Will you be happy to have my children?’

‘Oh Benedict, nothing will make me happier.  I want a little boy who is going to be good looking just like his papa,’ she laughed softly.

‘And I also want a daughter who is loving, and gentle, and compassionate like her mamma.’

‘I think our daughter is going to have her papa’s temperament,’ she grinned.

‘Are you saying your husband is moody and grumpy?’

‘I am not saying anything,’ she giggled.

‘Marrying you is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me Natasha,’ Benedict kissed her lips.

‘Tell me that in twenty years’ time my lord.  We have hardly been married a day,’ she smiled.

He smiled back at her and held her tightly.  They were quiet, just pleased to be in each other’s arms.

‘My lord?’


‘Would it be okay if Benjamin lived here with us?’

‘Off course, with pleasure, but how would Daniel feel about that?’

‘I will speak to father,’ Natasha spoke determinedly.  ‘I want Ben with me,’ she pleaded.

‘I will go with you, besides Daniel will be able to see him every day.  He works right here.’


‘Yes my lord.’

‘You are welcome to manage the ledgers, but I will not have you working in the kitchen or anywhere else.  Is that understood?’

‘Yes my lord,’ somehow Benedict knew, his wife was going to disobey him in that regard.

‘My beautiful wife,’ he smiled kissing her lips.  Natasha draped her arms around his neck.

‘Kiss me again my lord.’

He did more than just kiss her again.  He made sweet love to her all over again, and held his wife tightly in his arms the entire night.

               -THE END-

THE Marquis's Mistress: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now