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Natasha took a deep breath as she walked away from Benedict.  She was torn between her desire to be with him and her conscience.  She wanted to be in his arms.  Saints above knew it, she could not lie about that, but she needed to become tough.  She would not be his mistress.  Whilst he was single, it was fine seeing him clandestinely, but she refused to be the other woman in Benedict’s life.  She may be a commoner, a pauper, a daughter of his estate manager, but she had her pride.  She purposefully walked to Crystal at the drinks table.

‘Crystal, I’m not feeling well,’ she lied.  ‘You stay and enjoy the party.  When you come home, knock on the window, and I will let you in,’ Natasha whispered.

‘Are you sure?  Should I not come with you?  What if something happens to you?’ Crystal touched Natasha’s arm.

‘No, do not leave on my account,’ Natasha whispered back. ‘Our cottage is not far away. I will just ask one of the footmen to take me back. Enjoy yourself.’ Natasha gave her a false bright smile.

Natasha weaved through all the ladies in their beautiful, fashionable brightly coloured gowns.  She prayed Benedict would not see her.  She snuck out through one of the side French doors and ran to the front.  Immediately Citrus settled on her shoulder.

‘Good evening Citrus. I cannot spend any time with you tonight,’ she whispered.  ‘I am going home.’  The bird tweeted noisily.  ‘Please do be quiet, you will alert Benedict.’

Natasha searched around and found none of the footmen around.  She needed to escape before Benedict found her outside.  She would have to walk, it would not take very long, she just prayed she would be safe.  Natasha walked through the woods that was a shorter route.  She did not want to risk being seen on the main road.  The sound of horses and a carriage behind her, caused her to shut her eyes and curse silently. 


‘Miss Natasha where are you walking to in this evening hour?’  Viscount Randal Ashcroft brought the carriage to a halt.  Natasha breathed a sigh of relief that it was not Benedict.

‘My lord, as I informed you earlier, I am a servant.  I live on the estate, not far from the big house itself,’ she smiled trying to make light of her walking alone in the late evening.  Even if she was not a lady of society, a young girl should not have been walking alone so late in the evening.

‘Well let me escort you with the carriage then.  I do not think you should walk alone,’ Viscount Randal announced.

‘I will be home in a few minutes,’ she lied, ‘please do not trouble yourself,’ Natasha urged.

‘Miss Natasha it is most unwise for you to walk alone.  You never know who could be lurking about in the dark.’  Natasha heard Citrus tweeting above her head, he circled around her twice and settled on a nearby branch.  For some reason, she felt a comforting presence, knowing Citrus was with her.

‘Please you are a guest.  Go back to the party,’ Natasha urged.

‘I will not have this foolishness,’ Viscount Randal jumped out of the carriage.  ‘If you say you live nearby, then I will have you home in a matter of minutes with the carriage.’

‘I donnot want to inconvenience you,’ he could sense her weakening.

‘Nonsense,’ he smiled, holding the carriage door open.  ‘I was just enjoying the fresh evening air.’

‘Thank you then my lord,’ she hopped on and gave him directions on how to get to their cottage.  Randal secured the carriage door and hopped back on to take control of the reins.

THE Marquis's Mistress: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now