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Joe rushes into the precinct and goes straight to the Captain's office. "Captain, Barry is missing."

"How do you know?" Singh asks.

"He was being brought to S.T.A.R. Labs and they said they were attacked by Cold's group. He was taken. I can show you proof. The ice on the truck. The concussion cold gave my daughter."

Captain Singh stands up and heads to the bull pen. As he addresses everyone, Joe can't help but worry about if they don't get to Barry in time. "Joe, can Iris contact the Flash? We can hardly take care of one or two of them, but a group?"

Joe wipes his hand down his face and leads the captain back into his office. "The Flash can't help us."

"Joe, I know you want to keep Barry safe, but-"

"That's not why. You're gonna kick yourself when you figure out it out. The fastest man alive is always late to work."

Captain Singh looks at me. "Barry is the Flash?" Joe nods. "How long have you known?"

"The tornado Mardon made at that farm house. That's not important now, though. What is, is that we find him. Cisco was calling in The Arrow. He'll be here soon."

"Don't worry, Joe. We'll find him," the captain says.

As he goes to leave, Joe stops him. "You can't tell anyone. For his protection."

The captain nods. "Let's just hope we find him before the Snart's hurt him. Did you hear? Lewis broke out. He might just be our ring leader."


"Ahh!" I scream. They've been stabbing me with metal toothpicks connected to wires. They leave them within me, making the pain continue and keep looking at the monitors.

"We're ready," a soldier says.

"Then let's begin," Eiling says. They cut off the sleeve of my suit and put a needle in my arm. They start to take my blood and once they've filled one tube, they start another but something changes. Electricity rages through my body from the spikes and they continue taking blood. When the electricity turns off. I breathe heavily, coughing up some blood as Eiling walks over. He grabs my throat and hold it up as I try to breathe. Someone chains my hands together and I start to feel my power drain from me. "These'll keep you at bay." He picks me up and slams me onto a table where they trap me, restraints around my upper arms, ankles and neck. My hands are still chained in front of me. "Go get your son. Time for the Flash to cool down."

They both leave before Leonard Snart walks in with his cold gun. "The Flash. I've never seen you so vulnerable. And they sent me in here to freeze you."

"Cold?" I ask. I cough again and feel blood slide down my cheek. I sneeze and turn my head to look at his blurry form. "Help," I groan.

"What've they done to you?" he asks. He fires the gun around the room, slowly encasing it in ice. The entire room is covered in a few moments. Snart leans over me, close to my ear. "This'll kill you," he says. "And as you've said, I'm smart enough to follow my line of work without the loss of life." He walks out of the room and I'm left there, shivering. I feel it chilling me to the bone and I can't stop coughing and sneezing as I slowly fade into darkness.


"Attention Central City Police," Captain Cold addresses the crowd. "I'm here to talk to Detective West. Any of you follow or eavesdrop-" Cold freezes a lamp. "I think you get the idea."

Joe walks towards Captain Cold and leads him to Barry's lab. "What do you want, Snart?"

"It's not what I want. It's what you want."

"Where is the Flash?" Joe asks.

Snart smirks. "Barry is being held by my father. He was paid a hefty sum for his services by a General Eiling."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to make a deal. Barry and I both know that I am smart enough to commit crimes without killing people. It was part of our previous deal. I'll help the Flash escape in return for an IOU. When I need his help he'll be there."

Joe looks at him. "Only if what you help with is not illegal in any way."

"I see we've reached an agreement. You'll make this known to the Flash, I presume."

"We'll hold up our end. Just help Barry." They shake on it and Joe leads Cold out before talking to the captain in his office.

"What did Cold want?"

"To make a deal. He is part of the group that took Barry. He'll help him escape in return for the Flash's help in something later that's not illegal. I made sure of that one."

"We're still gonna try and find him," the captain assures.


When feel myself on the brink of passing out, I'm thrown to the floor. "Flash. We need some more blood. He sticks the needle into my arm and start to draw more blood. This time it's number of pints and I can't think straight when he's done. Eiling leaves me on the floor as the cold seeps into my bones, this time it feels colder. I hear the door open and someone comes in. Pain flares through my side as he kicks me into the wall. They go on giving me bruises and cuts before leaving and turning down the temperature. I turn my head to the side and throw up, notice blood immediately.

I start to shiver uncontrollably to keep myself warm until I can't anymore. Someone comes in and tie me back to the table. My vision turns black before they even leave.

I wake up again in unbelievable pain. When I catch a glimpse of my stomach I see metal shards peeking out of the red suit. I look to see both Eiling and Lewis Snart standing there. "Good. You're awake. Ready for another test?"

I groan.


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