Chapter 2

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A/N PLEASE, If you like thi story VOTE and COMMENT feedback :) Thanks guys, on with the story!




I was about to start getting ready for bed, I was outside chatting with my squad, we weren't talking about our scavenging mission for tomorrow, we were just talking about anything, things that make us happy, or made, before the leapers came and destroyed everything.

"Your turn Jackson," Barrymore grinned at him. Barrymore is practically my older brother and the joker of our squad, he always finds a way to lighten the mood. I can tell him anything, he's the most trustworthy person I know.

"Pretty girls," He smirked mischieviously. The boys all cheered.

"You got that right Jackson!" Barrymore patted him on the back. I noticed Jackson glance at me from the corner of my eye. It's no secret that Jackson and I will probably have to couple up eventually, reproduction is vital if we want to survive this, but I want to get a good few years of fighting in first. My father and I have already discussed this, he told me I had to wait anyway, 17 is far too young for a child. But Jackson wouldn't be the worst person to be with I suppose, he's friendly, and very considerate, always looking after others. I sighed thinking about this. Only 3 months ago everything was normal and I would never be thinking of things like this, its crazy really.

"Hyland, you're up," Jackson grinned at me.

"Watching movies with my family, with Garett..." My voice trailed off. My brother, Garett, I missed him so much. I would cry but I was surrounded by the boys, I just looked down at the ground.

"I know we're going to find him Hyland, maybe even tomorrow," Stevens said. Stevens was the sensible one, always sensible. Except for now.

I shook my head. "No, we won't, I might aswell give up hope, we dont even know what they do their...their prisoners..." I had to face the facts, i wasnt going to find him, not now, not ever.

"Hyland, dont," Fredrickson said, he's the quiet one, he usually only talks about his daughter, Lily, the one that was taken at the beginning of this mess.

"NO! Fredrickson dont you get it?! WE ARENT GOING TO WIN THIS! Look at us...we-we're a MESS!" I screamed at him, he flinched away from me. I started trembling at I felt like I was about to cry. I got up and ran off towards the inside of base camp. I heard someone behind me.

"Amelia! Wait!" Only two people ever call me Amelia, my dad who was inside, and Jackson, who was now catching up with me. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. I still wouldn't let the tears fall.

"Please, please don't ever say anything like that again, we will find Garett, I know we will, we all know we will, and we wont stop until we do," Jackson didnt let go of my hand and stared at me right in the eyes. I looked away.

"Please Amelia..." I looked back at him.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted like that. I-I just miss him, so much..." My voice wobbled but I still held back the tears. Jackson embraced me.

"Of course you do, no ones blaming you, we're all stressed, you should go get some sleep," He rubbed my back and then let go of the hug.

"Good idea," I smiled.

"And tell the boys I'm sorry, please," I said.

"Sure, night Hyland," Jackson grinned at me and I walked off. I was so stressed, and all I could think about was Garett, he's out there somewhere, whether he's breathing or not, I have to find him, I need this, I need closure...


7 AM


I was woken up by Barrymore.

"Time to get some leapers, first in command," he winked at my and walked off. I got up as fast as I could and put on my scavenging gear, a black t-shirt, camo bottoms and black combat boots. I put my hair in a pony and made my way to the weapons room. Fredrickson and Stevens still weren't there. I went to my shelf and grabbed my ammo and my gun. I loaded it and slung it on my shoulder, I have to admit, it makes me feel badass.

Fredrickson and Stevens came in and got their gear ready,once all the guns were loaded and we were sure we had everything we revised our strategy and before I knew it I was on my motorcycle and ready to go.

"I'm up front, Jackson, Barrymore, you flank, Stevens behind me, Miller and Fredrickson take the tail, everyone got that?" I asked, my voice firm, when I was in charge, they better listen to me, they knew that well by now.

"Got it," They chorused, and with that we were off. 


A/N What do you think? Any questions leave them below xx! Love you!





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