Chapter 1

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A/N Just hope you like it, I'll try my damndest to stick with it




I woke up to the muggy air and hundreds of sleeping bodies around me. We've been at this base camp for a week now, and we just about have our bearings, although tomorrow will probably be when our fighters are sent out, when I'm sent out. 

I sat up groggily and glanced around, Stevens, Miller and Johnston were on watch, guns in hand, they drew the short stick and got morning shift, My shift ended four hours ago. 

I hesitantly stepped out of my sleeping bag, making sure not to step on my dad or the others surrounding me. Other people started to wake up and people were making their way outside. Ms.Darcy and Mr.Gregory were already up and just about finished making the oatmeal. Oatmeal, again. I grabbed a bowlful and sat down, onlly seconds later I was joined by Fredrick, Barrymore and Jackson, all fighters called each other by last names. I greeted the boys.

"So, do you think we'll be sent out today?" Barrymore asked.

"No, tomorrow we'll be sent out, we'll probably work on strategy today, get it down so we dont have to worry tomorrow," I was shoveling the tasteless oatmeal into my mouth, much like the boys.

"I cant wait to get out there and kill some of them," Fredrick said fiercly. Fredricks daughter was taken by the leapers at the very beginning, he's wanted revenge ever since, much like half the fighters in this group. Which, by the way, I'm the only girl fighter, and the youngest too. I'm 17 years, turning 18 sometime soon. Hal Jackson is second youngest, 19 years just gone.

"Me neither, I dont think anyone can wait," Jackson spoke, gritting his teeth.

"Any update on missing kids?" I asked the boys, they looked around at each other, no response. I looked down at my almost gone oatmeal.

"Amelia, Garret will turn up, I know it," Jackson said, using my first name rather than my last, I looked up at him and returned the favour.

"Thanks Hal," I still wasn't sure, if he was going to turn up he would have done it by now, but I can't seem to let go of that one shred of hope, same goes for my father, but would you give up so easily on your son? I didnt think so. I swallowed the last of my oatmeal and got up from the table, simply nodding at the boys who had fallen in to silence. I dropped my bowl in the wash basin and headed for the lake, I needed to wash.

After the refreshing wash all fighters were called into a meeting by General Lewis, first in command. I walked into the room which once was a classroom, our basecamp was set up in a high school. I took a seat as I was one of the first in, only half the fighters were called in, but that still meant 50 people, so some had to stand.

My father (who is second in command) and the General were at the top of the room, talking in hushed voices. Jackson took a seat beside me and grinned over at me. I smiled back, although there was nothing to smile about. 

Once everyone arrived the General started talking.

"Right! As you all know we've been here a week and we are in desperate need of supplies, especially food." He spoke loud and clear.

"We also need amo and fuel, so we are sending groups out to scavenge, if I call out your name stay, if not, you get tomorrow off," The general pulled a list from his pocket.

"Jackson, Fredrick, Barrymore, Stevens, Miller and Hyland! You are on food duty, I'll discuss strategy with you in a moment," My name was called out, I wasn't surprised, our troop was quite succesful in past missions, when we were with the other groups, we worked well together, so why change it?

The General called out the other groups, some of the fighters on the list where from the other 50 fighters who's meeting was after ours.

"Right, everyone but the food group, leave I'll call you each in individually," The general signalled for everyone but our group to leave.

"Okay, first in command, Hyland, you know how to keep an eye on these, make sure they dont do anything stupid, got it?"

"Got it sir," I may be young and I may be a girl but I am a fighter, have been since I was young, my father taught me how to fight, and last year, how to use a gun.

"Second in command, Barrymore, do whatever you have to do to get food for these people, but remember, Hyland's in charge," General told him sternly. I smirked at that.

"Yes sir," Barrymore said, sending me a quick glare, we were both joking of course, Barrymore was like my older brother.

"Now to talk strategy," General said, I had no idea how long this was going to take, hopefully not too long, I find working out strategy was boring, necessary, but boring.

About half an hour later strategy was worked out and we were ready to set off for tomorrow, I couldn't wait, and was hoping we'd find a leaper, although they are tough to kill, when there's 6 against 1, its a lot easier.

"Amelia, promise me you'll look after yourself out there?" My dad and I were walking side by side as I made my way outside after the meeting.

"Of course dad, I'm capable," I said.

"I know you are, I raised you to be a fighter, but you're still my daughter Amelia,"

"Of course dad, I'll be fine," I smiled at him.

"Okay, and like General said, dont let them do anything stupid," My dad winked at me before taking off. I giggled at that, my mind giddy from excitement, I'd say its not often you come across a girl who gets excited to go out risking her life killing aliens....I wish it was


A/N So how'd you like it? I like it! <3 feedback is AWESOME! So is showing the love by VOTING <3 Or FANNING? Hehe :) AMELIA AND HAL ROMANCE WILL BE COMING SOON, OR BLOSSOMING SOON...JS :) XXXXX <3 Ily

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