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Jack held the child for about ten minutes before he thought about getting dressed. Unsure if it was appropriate to have a very young lady, from when Hoodie had said her, in the same room when getting dressed Jack decided to leave her on the couch for a moment. He didn't want to risk being offensive to the little girl, knowing that changing in front of any respectable lady they would not be happy about it.

Even though he's hosted many people over the years Jack was never forced to have children around him. All the people he ever hosted or took care of at one point in time were always older, the youngest possibly being 14 if he remembered correctly.

From what the cannibal had experienced of children is that they were a ticking bomb. Something, somehow, someway shape or form, was going to make them cry. And a crying child was difficult for Jack to handle. So in essence, he is scared of them.

Setting her down on the couch Jack rushed into his room and got dressed, leaving his door open just incase. Zipping up his sweatshirt Jack looked around then remembered he had left his mask in the bathroom. Going in he grabbed it then stopped, realized he wasn't wearing it in the first place. It dawned on him that Hoodie had seen his face. All of it. All at once. Hoodie had seen a lot of him actually. Jack found the first one to be intimidating, and the second made him blush.

He wanted Hoodie to come back and take the child off his hands, but now Jack wasn't sure he could face the proxy. He wore the mask for a reason. Shaking the realization off he decided to deal with it later and take care of the kid first. It shouldn't be that difficult,.. Jack snorted at the statement and put his mask on.

"So,.. Uh," Jack said trying to make conversation with the child. He sat on the couch next to her, unsure of how to take care of the baby as he leaned his elbows on his knees. She blinked up at him with her thumb in her mouth and drooling all over herself. Jack winced at the sounds her slobber made.

"Uhh,. So. What's your name?" Waiting a moment Jack realized she wasn't going to respond and put his face in his hands. Why did Hoodie leave her in Jack's care.

Standing up the cannibal paced back and fourth. The little girl followed him with her shining eyes, back and fourth back and fourth. "What was Hoodie thinking..?" Jack whispered out loud to himself. "I can't feed her human, that would be indecent of me. What are baby's allowed to eat?..." He thought about this as he paced. "And,.. Does temperature matter? Can they tell if it's a degree colder or warmer?..."

Having a child in his care flustered Jack more the Hoodie did. "And,." Standing still the organ eater looked over at the little girl. She smiled brightly up at him. "Do they understand the how to use the restroom?" Jack truly was at a loss. Continuing his pacing and worrying he got lost in thought again.

The little girl pulled at her blankets, loosening them enough for her to crawl out of. Jack failed to noticed as he went back and fourth. Peeking over the side of the couch the little girl giggled at the sight and instantly gathered Jack's attention

"Ah! Don't fall!" He cried and raced over, picking the slobbery child up. Giggling she clenched on to him and Jack shivered in disgust. Holding her away from him Jack walked her to the kitchen and grabbed a drying rag. Sliding it across her chin and lips the little girl whined and tried pushing it away. The cannibal grumbled behind his mask and tried wiping her hands. Her complaining grew louder and Jack wasn't at all please.

"Hey! If you just let me,." He said and grunted, fighting the little girl over her cleanliness. "There! Done!" He said forcefully and threw the rag aside, only partly happy with her. Setting the child on his table Jack took a seat and leaned back, staring at the figure in the center of the white stripes as the little girl shuffled and made sound as she looked around.

Lullabies (Hoodie x E.Jack)Where stories live. Discover now