Chapter 7 (UsUk)

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Arthur and I finally got to my apartment. He insisted he'd walk me home to make sure nothing would happen to me. I ushered him inside the complex and we walked to my floor. Once we arrived at the door he looked down blushing slightly.

"Why don't you come in Mr. Kirkland. After all it's not polite if I do not offer. So please do come in." Alfred smiled to Arthur.

"W..well I'm not so sure about that." Arthur began.

"Please I insist." I continued.

"Well only for a moment." Arthur said with a small smile on his face.

I lead him inside my apartment. I already made sure Mattie won't be home for a while so there should be no cock blocks.

"So Mr. Kirkland I do have a question though." I began with a grin. Slowly I closed the door behind him. "Please do go sit down." I said as sweet as possible. Luckily for me he sat on the couch and not an arm chair. I went to sit next to him. Ever so slowly I scooted closer and closer to him till our legs were touching. "So Mr. Kirkland I was wondering how I will be able to keep my grade as high as possible."

"W..well Alfred as long as you study in class is should be fine." He stuttered.

"Yes I know that but, I would really like some private tutoring. Don't you think it would be nice?" I ask leaning closer to his face. We are now but inches apart.

"W..well Alfred I'm sure that would be very nice." He mumbled. I could feel his warm breath on mine.

Quickly I moved in for a kiss. At first he tensed only to relax after. The kiss became deeper and we fought for dominance. He still tasted of the tea he'd been drinking but a few minutes prior. His hand rested on my knee. I placed my hand on the back of his head keeping him close to me and the other on his back. I pulled him closer till he was sitting on my lap. His hand slowly made its way up my leg and to the edge of my shirt. Then his cold hands touched my waist. He began sliding them up my chest kissing all the while. That's when a scream came from out side. Arthur jumped away from me and turned his head to the empty window. No one was there...

"I really must leave." He began.

"Mr. Kirkland." I protested.

"Really I should go Alfred." He pleaded with sad eyes.

"Alright but, will you maybe go to lunch with me this weekend?" I asked nervously.

"I would love it." He said with a small smile.

With that he was out the door.

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