Hell's Angel chapter 5

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I woke up screaming in the middle of the night I just had a terrible nightmare I'm used to it by now that's all I ever have I get up and go outside and start training early it was 3 in the morning but I knew it was not going to go back to sleep so I started with some jumping jacks I did 50 of those then I did some pushups I did 130 of those and I did some sit ups hanging from a tree branch I did 180 of those I also started practicing my karate and judo skills I also practice a few my demon summoning technique I didn't want to push myself too far cuz I didn't want my other side coming out I usually don't mind it coming out I usually don't mind the people around me getting hurt or killed but for some reason I feel I can't let anything happen to Naruto I feel like if anything was to happen to him I want to lay down and die No you will not stray from the plan you will kill everyone in the village that is why we came here not just to spend the night to destroy the entire village the demon inside me said I don't think I can I thought from inside my head no we must kill them said Demonio what if I can't I say we must father says so said Demonio we must carry on the plan we must destroy the Leaf Village said Demonio within my head if I have to I said inside my head I'm starting to think I was lied to I said don't be silly child we are just nightmares nothing more nothing less said Demonio are you sure they're just nightmares they feel so real I said yes I am sure they are just nightmares said Demonio obviously irritated

(Flashback nightmare)

No no no please stop I begged you always hurt the ones you love you always will said the strange shadowy figure I couldn't make out a face was too dark you worthless child the hope will never die in your heart I can only hope to keep it restrained it it reached out and grabbed my throat pushing me up against a brick wall and started cutting me I was screaming for it to stop stop stop stop please it hurts stop

(End of nightmare)

It can not mean nothing I will not give up to I find out what it means and who was in the nightmare this nightmare feels all too real to be fake I will find out what this means I know my father's lying to me and I will find out what he's lying about and I will find out even if I have to tear it out of him and believe me when I say I will tear it out of him and it will hurt and it will hurt bad.

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