The Realm of Death Note Ch.3

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DISCLAIMER I do not own Death Note just my OC Mikan.

MIKAN's Point of View

"Aaaggh,Where am I again?"I asked sleepily as I opened my eyes to more unfamiliar surroundings.

The place I ended up in was a bedroom with a purple butterflies on the pink walls and a bed near a window with a flat screen television sitting on a desk.

"Wow,this place looks cool,"I said as I admired the designs.

"Glad you like it,"spoke a voice behind me.

I whip my head around to find Shiki the Shinigami relaxing on the Queen size bed.

"How does a Shinigami buy a house?"I asked him.

"We'll that's the perks of being friends of the Shinigami King."he replied eating an apple from nowhere.

"This is the question I forgot to ask."I said .


"Why was I chosen?Not that I'm not happy about which I'm enjoying now.But why me of all people?"I asked.

"Well the Shinigami King chose you of the other fangirls because you seem different from the others and more interesting he told me."he said as he ate his apple core and all.

"That what she said."I replied stupidly.

"You mean he?"

"Ah just forget it,You Shinigami don't really have a sense of humor,"I frowned.

"Yeah we do I can prove it too,"Shiki challenged.

"Ok tell me a joke a GOOD one," I said waving my hand for him to go on.

"OK,Strange thing about a women's brain, there's nothing right in left side, and nothing left on the right side!You get it?"he said laughing on the bed crying out with tears in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and shot him a glare and he stopped .

"Men hmph,"I muttered under my breath and turned away from him.

I then looked at the black Book bag Shiki gave me and rummaged through its contents.

It contained a lap top and two flash drives red and Black,A wallet full of money,and finally fake records including an ID with a fake name with a photo of me.Also plus there were keys for the house and two notebooks a white one and a black one.

"What's this stuff for?" I asked him.

"The laptop has the same Internet as your world and this world too.Also it has a password that you get to create and the flash drives contain both the manga and anime on those two and they only work on that laptop.The money is for your necessities like food,water,and clothes.The ID is so nobody will get suspicious of you and I took the honor of placing that information of placing that fake information about you in the data of this world.Also the black notebook was as you know is your own DeathNote and the other is a LifeNote.I suggest you know how to use one." Shiki explained briefly.

"Yeah I know because of fanfic.Sweet this adventure is gonna be a blast," I replied as I put all the stuff back into the backpack and swung it over my shoulder and walked out of my room.

The living room was nice too and so was the bathrooms. Shiki sure does know how to pick a comfortable place for a human.

I checked out the kitchen to find out there was no food.

Guess that's the only thing Shinigami can't get.

"I'm going to buy some groceries do you want anything?"I asked as I was going to the door to get out of the house.

"Just buy a couple of apples for me." He said as I waved goodbye to him and left the house.

I noticed the house as just a normal everyday house you see everyday in a normal neighborhood.

I sorta knew where I was going and just wanted to explore my surroundings when I passed a house that's seemed strangely familiar .

I stopped at the house and looked at it and then walked faster.

The house when I looked at it made my heart stop.

It was the Yagami's household where Light and his murderous weapon of doom known as his DeathNote was there.

As I walked faster I sensed a pair of eyes watching me from there and it made me broke into a run to get out of there .

Of all the neighborhoods I get stuck with I get the one where a cold blooded murder lives .Thanks a lot for the warning Shiki no apples for you.

I stopped running and entered a cafe because all this stuff was getting toward me and I was hungry so I took a break.

As I entered,the door had a bell and it ringed when I opened it to alert the staff that another customer has came.

I took at table by the door and grabbed a menu to look at the choices.

A kind looking woman with hazel colored hair with blue eyes came up to me wearing a cute pink apron with a bunny on it.

"What will you like Miss?"she asked holding a pen to a pad of paper.

"I would like a double fudge cake slice and a chocolate shake please."I responded to the waitress.

She smiled "Coming wait up."she said as she went to place my order.

I took out my laptop and created a password for it and I secretly stored both flash drives in a secret compartment I found there(I give credit to Shiki for that)and then put my laptop back where it was.

After a few moments she came with my order and I began to eat.

As I ate the door ringed to a other customer and I almost choked at my food.

Standing there in all his glory was non other than L the world's three greatest detectives.

Oh shit.

Review for chocolate fudge cake.:)

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