The Realm of Death Note Ch.4

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DISCLAIMER:I do not own DeathNote just my OC Mikan.

MIKAN's point of View

Standing a few feet from the door was L the World's Three Greatest Detectives.

Oh Shit.

He was wearing his usual clothing which included a blank white shirt and a regular pair of jeans.

His hair was raven colored and his skin was pale which contributed to his sexiness.

I just sat there staring at and resisting the urge to fangirl and glomp him.(you guys know you want to do that if you saw your most favorite character of your favorite anime series)

I then caught his gaze . I looked into his deep beautiful dark gray eyes before I broke it to eat my food.

I felt his gaze on me for a few moments before he shrugged it off and sat at a table near mine.

L then proceeded to stare at the back of my head which made me slightly uncomfortable while eating .Then finally the waitress came up to him so he stopped staring at me and he started to order.

'GOD!Why did L had to be so god damn sexy!I can't stay here for long or my crazy fangirlness will blow up the plan to save him.' I thought.

I then proceeded to try to finish my food faster and kept looking at the time on my watch so he won't get suspicious.

The waitress came up to him and asked"What will you look to order sir?"

L replied in his signature monotone voice,"I would like a Strawberry cake with a sweet tea please."

My hand twitched at the sound of his familiar sexy deep voice.

The waitress smiled."Coming right up sir." and she walked away to place his order.

I was halfway done with my cake (yes guys I eat slow even when I try to eat don't go up my case about it!)when his order came to his table.

I stole a glance at him and saw he started to put several sugar cubes into his tea.

'Things sure don't change with him don't they?' I thought with a smile.'Yup that's the real L all right or that's one heck of an awesome cosplayer.'

I then turned back quickly before he caught me staring at him and finished the last of my food.

I waited a few moments until the waitress came with the bill and I payed her with the money I got from my back pack and then got up to left.

As I walked to the door I bumped into somebody.

I looked up to see L reaching for the door too .

I said ,"Excuse me." and he nodded in response.

'How did he finished so fast?' I thought for a second.

I pushed that thought away and watched as he opened the door for me.

'Aw,he is so sweet and a gentlemen' I thought as I walked out the door.

He closed the door behind us and I said to him ,"Thankyou L."

I clamped a hand over my mouth as I said that.

Oh Shit again.

L's eyes widened at the sound of his name then before he could answer I turned and ran off quickly.

I heard footsteps behind me as I ran so I tried to accelerate more.

Great.I'm being hunted by the world's three greatest detectives for opening my big mouth.I should win award for how a smart of a genius I am.Its Oscar time.NOT.

People that review/comment get L's Cake!

L:Wait,who says that you can give away my cake like that*pouts*

Me:I'm the author so I get to do what I want so sorry L honey.

Review for L's Cake.

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