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"I'm going to ask you one more time. What is your name?"

The Karaton interrogating me leans forward in his chair, folding his hands together and resting them on the table between us. He's trying to stay calm, but I can tell he's losing patience with me. Funny, I seem to have that effect on people.

I let out my breath loudly out of the side of my mouth and tip my chair back, crossing my arms. We've been doing this for around twenty minutes, at least. Maybe more. I haven't told them anything yet and I don't plan to. Liam stands at the side of the room, handcuffed and guarded by two other Karaton.

My interrogator doesn't flinch, and goes on to another question. "Why are you here in this city?"

"I'm on a vacation. You know, sightseeing. I gotta tell you, though, you could really use some more colour around here. The brown, grey and white scheme gets a little old after a while."

"How did you get through the fence?"

I flip my chair back onto all four legs and lean forward, lowering my voice conspiratorially. "Witchcraft, actually, if you can believe it. Had to sacrifice a few pigs, but we made it in eventually."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Liam smirking. The officer takes off his white cap, rubs his face, and puts the cap back on. "We have your friends in custody," he says. "We can and will hurt them if you persist on being insolent."

I say nothing, holding his gaze. After a moment, he leans back, away from me. "Is he your accomplice?" He jerks his head in Liam's direction.


"Where is your accomplice?"

"In Narnia," I say. "Having a grand old time."

The officer turns to the Karaton holding Liam. "Feel free to torture the two prisoners in cell E4 any way you wish."

One of the Karaton turns to leave. My heart leaps into my throat. I can't let them hurt my friends.

"I don't know where he is," I say quickly. My interrogator looks back at me and holds up his hand. The Karaton who was about to leave stops in his tracks.

"So he's abandoned you, then," the officer says to me, his eyes gleaming cruelly. "He's left you to fend for yourself."

I grit my teeth. Todd would never abandon me. "Well," I answer, holding back my anger, "I'm sure he knows that I'm more than capable of fending for myself."

The officer scribbles something on a clipboard and looks back up at me. "I'm going to ask you again, and it will be your last chance. What is your name?"

I tip my chair back again and make a big show of yawning.

The expression on the officer's face completely changes. It distorts in rage and frustration. Fear briefly strikes my heart. He looks just like Desmond Forrester.

He reaches under the table and snatches up a thin, metal baton. Leaping over the table, he smashes it against the side of my face. I fall out of my chair. Blood drips from my nose onto the floor.

The Karaton hits me again, across the other side of my face this time. My head spins wildly, bursts of light appearing across my vision. I think I can hear Liam shouting, but it's faint, as if it's happening somewhere far away. The baton slams down across my shoulders.

I push myself up and glare up at him. "This is how your government is run around here?" I manage to say. "Torturing defenseless teenagers?"

He pauses, holding the baton up, ready to strike. He scoffs. "You're not defenseless."

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