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"Okay. Let's go over the plan again," Masato says for about the billionth time.

I sigh, but indulge him. "I will turn us all invisible, and we'll sneak into the facility by walking through the walls. You and I are going to steal guards' uniforms, and we're going to rescue those two kids."

Masato turns to Tessa. "During which you will be...?"

"I'll be in the control room, hacking into the security system. I'm going to disable the alarms and I'll make sure all the doors are unlocked so that we can get out."

"Good. And where do we meet?"

"At the edge of the forest," Tessa and I say in unison.

Masato nods. "Now, this plan is very dangerous—"

"All of Todd's plans are dangerous," Tessa mumbles. I bump her with my shoulder.

"—which means we have to be very careful," Masato finishes. "Hear that, Todd? We're being careful." He narrows his eyes at me, and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, ye of little faith. I'll be fine," I say. "Let's go!"

I start to move to the door but Tessa grabs my wrist. "Hold up. Everyone has their weapons, correct?"

Masato nods, sliding his two short machetes into sheaths on his back. I do the same with my sword. Tessa counts her throwing knives – she has ten and likes nothing less than losing them – and slides her combat knife into her belt.

"Okay," she says, pulling her long, dark brown hair into a ponytail. "Let's do this."

"About time. Can we get moving already?"

Masato smirks at me. "If you insist." He turns and sprints out the door, literally leaving a cloud of dust behind him. I look out the window and see a streak in the dusty streets, heading toward Forrester Industries.

Tessa tugs on my arm. "Come on. It'll be about a ten minute walk for us."

We head down the stairs and start winding through the streets of the ramshackle city. "I have to say," my cousin tells me, "I'm excited. We haven't done anything like this in a long time."

"Exciting is the right word," I agree. "This is what we were made for, anyway, isn't it? We were built to be warriors. Let's put those gifts to good use."

Tessa nods. "Hey, about those two kids we're rescuing... do you think they're... like us? I mean – enhanced."

I frown. "I don't know. It's possible, I suppose. There must be something special about them, at any rate; otherwise they wouldn't be in captivity here. We all know Forrester Industries has no interest in normal people."

Masato is waiting for us by a decrepit building close to the facility when we arrive. "Took you long enough," he says, grinning. I raise an eyebrow at him.

His face falls back into a serious expression. "Okay, listen. When we're seen – and there's, like, a 99% chance that we will be seen – whoever sees us is going to set off the alarm, which means that whichever doors aren't already locked will be locked automatically. Tessa, that's where you come in. Get to the control room as soon as possible and get those doors open. We're going to need all the time we can get."

Tessa gives him a smart salute and clicks her heels together. "Sir, yes sir!"

I crack up. Masato rolls his eyes, but he's suppressing a smile. "Honestly, you two. It's like you're five," he says. "Guys, listen to me. This is important. Todd, you and I have to get uniforms as soon as we possibly can, or else we'll be recognized and probably killed. The most important thing I need to emphasize is to be vigilant and careful."

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