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Noah, you need to do something. You need to fix this!

If it's possible for someone's thoughts to sound choked up, then Autumn has certainly achieved it.

What do you expect me to do? I'm starting to get a little bit frustrated. I mean, we're in different rooms! Even if I could get inside his head – which I can't – I wouldn't be able to do anything anyway. Everyone here seems to have done something so that I can't hear their thoughts. It's unnerving.

You're telling me there's absolutely, absolutely nothing you can do, Autumn says, for about the fiftieth time. I know she's upset about Dad and all that, but honestly. What does it take?

That's exactly what I'm telling you. I. Can't. Do. Anything. Okay?

No. It's not okay. He's our father, Noah. We have to try to do something.

I sigh and lean back against the bars of the cage. Well, you come up with a plan, then, because I know I can't do anything.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, she says sarcastically. Noah, listen to me. That drug can't last forever. And if Forrester invented it himself, then they probably don't have a very large supply. I'm thinking that if we can get out and take Dad with us, then the drug will wear off eventually.

Aren't you supposed to be smart? I give her a look. First off, even if the drug does wear off, they altered his brain as well. We're not neurologists. We can't alter it back.


I hold up a finger and she stops midsentence, frowning. Secondly, how are we even supposed to find a way to get out? Did you miss the security guards and cameras everywhere? Not to mention the fact that we're kind of locked in a freaking cage.

That's the part I'm still working out, she admits.

I roll my eyes. Aren't you just brilliant.

Hey, she protests. You're supposed to be the smart one. I'm the brawn, you're the brain. It's always been that way.

No, I'm the brain and the brawn. You're the grumpy sarcastic one.

She shrugs. Well, I wish I could argue with you.

I manage a short laugh, and she gives me a smile. No matter the circumstances, we can always lift each other's spirits. I can't help but feel that as long as I have my sister, as long as I have Autumn, I'll be okay. We can get through this together.

The clanging of the metal door at the end of the hallway brings both our heads up sharply. Big Nose and the other previous guard stroll in. Upon seeing Big Nose again, I get another jolt of familiarity. It's like I've seen him somewhere before, but I can't remember where no matter how hard I try.

"All finished with the waterworks, I see," Big Nose comments mockingly as he unlocks the cage. When he reaches out for Autumn, she dodges his hand. Big Nose smirks and shakes his head, reaching into his pocket and bringing out a small control pad, identical to the one Forrester had in his office. "Don't you resist, Stone," he threatens. "Remember, whenever you misbehave, your father gets it."

Autumn's face is dark red with anger, but she allows Big Nose to grab her sleeve and drag her out of the cage. The second guard reaches in for me and I grudgingly let him pull me out as well.

They roughly lead us down the hall to the testing room. The same short, bespectacled, dark-haired scientist that Autumn spit on during Electrocution Day is standing in the room alone, waiting for us. A small boxing ring has been set up in the centre of the room. Big Nose slams the door behind him and grins at us.

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