Chapter 4

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What the hell did I just do?!

I quickened my pace away from Dallas, as what I had just done sunk in. I mean, yeah, I'd wanted to kiss Dally Winston for a while now, (who wouldn't) but I couldn't believe I'd actually done it. The walk was a short one, and I'd arrived home before I'd fully had time to process what I'd done, and what may come of it. Oh, what was I thinking? Things would never be the same with the gang again. I ruined everything. I walked through the door this thought in my mind.

"Hey, Jules," Darry said as I entered, "ummm.... Where's Dallas?" Uh oh. Darry looks pissed. "I thought he was with you?! I figured he would walk you home, it's almost dark! You could've gotten hurt, where the hell is he?!?!?" Well shit. I should've though this through. "Oh Dally? He um... They needed him at Buck's place. There was an emergency. Some Socs crashed the place, and they needed all hands on deck." Darry grunted and rolled his eyes, mumbling something under his breath that I don't think I wanted to hear. I quickly grabbed a plate of the counter, scooping onto it a pile of cold spaghetti and poured the still hot marinara sauce on top, sitting down at my usual place between Soda and Dally's currently empty chair.

I shoveled the food in my mouth as fast as I could, starving but wanting to go mope in my room even more. I crammed the last bite into my mouth and stood up to clear both my plate and Darry's, who was currently elbow-deep in a pile of bills. I walked back through the kitchen room and placed my hands on his broad shoulders, "You work too hard, you know that?" He laughed and shook his head but didn't respond. "'Night superman," I called as I opened the door to Soda and my bedroom. I changed into a pair of running shorts and one of  Soda's old t-shirts and collapsed on the bed. Just as I was nodding off, Soda popped his blond head into the room. "Hey baby sis! Listen, I'm gonna head to a little party at Buck's. Just do me a favor... Don't tell Darry? He's been uptight lately, and I've got work tomorrow-" "Say no more, Pepsi. My lips are sealed. Have fun," I swiped my finger across my lips, 'zipping' them up. He winked and blew me a kiss, before ducking out the door and closing it behind him. I rolled over on my side, hugging his pillow close, and running through what I could say to Dally when I saw him again. Before long, my eyelids were getting heavy and I was fast asleep.

I don't know what woke me up. Maybe the near silent shutting of the door, or the sloping of the best, or the feeling of being watched. But whatever it was, I was wide awake in a matter of seconds when I saw the dark shadow perched on the edge of my bed. My first thought was that it was Sodapop, but he never hesitates to lay right down and cuddle up, telling me about his latest adventure until we're both asleep again. I opened my mouth to scream, but a large hand immediately clapped over my mouth, silencing me. The hand that wasn't covering my mouth reached over to turn on the lamp.

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