Chapter 3

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I walked out to the sidewalk and squinted at the harsh sunlight. I was used to the warm weather but it wasn't as damp here. I put my longboard down and rode down the street following my GPS app. The breeze ruffled my black and pink Garfield muscle tank and I stopped at the stop sign waiting for an SUV to turn. I looked down at my light wash shorts and black vans. I adjusted my pink Neff beanie and started riding again.

Clumsy me wasn't used to the bumpy, unfamiliar road so I had to pay extra attention to the imperfections of the asphalt. I stared at the road and heard a low noise, and figured it was just the wind. Suddenly I felt something strike me hard. I landed face first on the street and could feel a bloody nose coming on. My knees and elbows stung and I felt dizzy. I looked up to see a black Honda and a faint sound of a car door closing rang in my ears. I felt strong hands grasp my arms and pull me up. They soon let go and sure enough, my knees collapsed.

A young guy's voice asked, "Woah, are you okay? I'm so sorry. I couldn't really see because the sun is so bright today. Do you need me to call 911 or something?"

I just closed my eyes and said, "No I'm fine." The I looked up and saw a tan boy with black unruly hair and nerd glasses.

"I'm Ricardo. I am really sorry." He said as he extended his hand to help me up.

As I regained my senses, I stood up and replied, "I'm Alex, and don't worry. I'm okay. Really." Just then a migraine took over. "Do you happen to have any Advil?" I asked. He probably didn't and I should just go home, I thought to myself.

He shook his head no and apologized. He pointed out my bloody nose though and ran to his car. He can back with some napkins and I held them up to my nose after thanking him. I started to turn away, but he interjected and tried to convince me to let him give me a ride home.

I wasn't really sure of the address to tell him where I lived, so he insisted on bringing me to his house so I could get Advil, clean up, and then he would take me to wherever I was going on my longboard earlier. I didn't know what to say because I didn't really know him, he could be a murderer for all I know.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

I blushed. I had zoned out as usual and this guy was kinda cute. Way to go me. "Yeah, I was just thinking about something." I responded. He nodded and scratched his neck. I looked into his brown eyes and he kind of smirked. I finally decided and said, "Yeah, I guess we can stop at your house, but I need STARBUCKS!" He chuckled and came over to the passenger side and opened the door for me. Then Ricardo got in and started the car. The radio came on playing Justin Beiber. It was so hard not to sing it because I love Justin, but sure enough Ricardo sang. Song after song, Ricardo continued to bop his head to the beat.

He turned and faced me. "Are you new around here?" He asked.

"Yeah I moved in with my grandparents." I said looking away. I could feel the tears welling up, I miss my parents.

"Oh did your parents send you here?" He asked.

"No... They.... They were killed." I choked out.

"I'm sorry. That's awful. I shouldn't have asked. We're here now. Lets run in and then we can go to Starbucks. It's on me." He said. Both of us got out of the car and I know it's a little weird, but I asked him for a piggy back ride because I'm still light headed. He's tall, lean, and fit. I'm not into him that way though, he doesn't seem my type. He's more of a friend.

He sat me down on his bathroom counter and opened the medicine cabinet. He took out bandaids and some rubbing alcohol, along with some Advil. I filled a cup with water and took the medicine, while he cleaned up my scrapes. He was awfully sweet. He carried me back out to the car and slowly placed me in the seat and buckled me in.

I took out my phone to check the time. It was 5:08 and the sun was low on the horizon. I started thinking about how this was gonna play out with school and my grandparents. They seem pretty cool and they don't hover, so that's good. Ricardo spoke up making me flinch. "Afraid of me?" He asked grinning. I just blushed and giggled weirdly. "You still wanna go to Starbucks?" He asked. I just nodded in agreement and Ricardo pulled out of the driveway. I felt a little better and decided to shake away my shyness and jam out to the music.


We arrived at Starbucks and I ordered a Caramel Frappacino. Ricardo ordered some latte thingy and payed for our drinks, and led me to a table.

For almost an hour we got to know each other. We asked each other the basic questions. The more I thought about it the the more he seemed familiar. I think I've seen him on the Internet.

Ricardo asked me if I wanted to go to a party with him later tonight and I agreed because I just moved here and I need some new friends. He brought me home and told me he was going to pick me up at 9:30. Great. I only have an hour to get ready.

I've Got my Head in the Clouds (Jc Caylen)Where stories live. Discover now