Chapter 5

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I groaned in pain. It was freezing. I opened my eyes and looked around at the alley I was in. The last thing I remember is inhaling a nasty smell and slowly fluttering my eyes closed. My body felt damp and when I glanced down at it, the memory came flooding back. I wasnt wearing anything but a bra and panties. Last night I was walking home and a strange man took me to an apartment and raped me.

What was I going to do now? I had no phone and no clothes. Terrific. I grasped the brick building next to me and stood up. My back stung and my thighs ached. I searched a nearby dumpster looking for something to cover my body up with. Luckily, there was an old grungy coat. I admit it was gross, but what else can I do? I pulled my arms through the sleeves and clutched it around my body.

I hobbled down the alley to the street. I saw a phone booth across the street so I decided to give it a try. I crossed over and slipped into the tight booth. I have no money. Damn it. I fiddled around with the buttons and eventually gave up.

I had no idea where I am. I don't know anyone and the streets are almost empty. I don't have a clue what time it is either. Leave it to me to get kidnapped. I am a magnet for horrible things.

Tears started to form in my eyes and I just wandered the street, trying to figure out what to do. I had a terrible migraine and I felt nauseous. I felt my knees collapse under me and I fell to the ground. I could really care less. It's not like things could get any worse.

I dragged myself over to a wall and leaned up against it with my head in my hands. It was pounding. Getting up again, I walked back to the alley I came from. I looked in every nook and cranny. There was a thick crack in the wall and sure enough, wedged in between it was my phone. Hallelujah.

I quickly unlocked it. Wait a minute... It's the 20th. It's been three days since the party. I used my phone to figure out where I was. I'm a town over from my home. I might as well walk home, my phone is almost dead and I don't want to bother anyone and ask for a ride.

I walk down the street and glance all around making sure no one suspicious looking is nearby. It's starting to get warm and this coat is pretty thick. I'm sweating. I'm vaguely sure of where I'm going, but I just keep walking.

I was waiting at a crosswalk looking down, trying not to make any eye contact. It was 8 am on a Monday morning and everyone was heading to work. A young boy riding on a penny board came to an abrupt stop in front of me. He came flying towards me and I was too slow to react. He slammed into me and I landed hard on my back with him on top of me. Ow. I'm already sore from what happened after the party and this just puts the frosting on the cake.

I've Got my Head in the Clouds (Jc Caylen)Where stories live. Discover now