Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes and they burned in the bright fluorescent light. I closed them quickly, and listened to the steady beeping pattern coming from nearby. I attempted to open my eyes again, and they adjusted a little quicker. I looked up at an ugly white paneled ceiling, and took in my surroundings. I was in an uncomfortable metal hospital bed and I was hooked up to a monitor by a bunch of wires.

I tried to sit up to get a better look. Ouch, bad idea. It felt like someone was stabbing a knife through my head over and over, and to top it all off, my stomach ached. All I remember, is Jc helping me get into the car and my grandmother trying to drive me here. After that, nothing comes to mind.

I glanced over at the seating area on the other side of the room. Jc sat there curled up in the chair sleeping. It was kind of cute. He was wearing a beanie, with a hoodie, jeans, and vans. Where were my grandparents though? Why was he here instead of them? I felt a little bad about having to wake him up, but I have a lot of questions. "Excuse me?" I said in an awful scratchy voice. He showed no indication that he heard me, so I spoke up. He jerked his head up and rubbed his eyes. "What happene-" I started to ask when Jc interrupted. "Finally! Sleeping Beauty is awake!" he said chuckling. "What happened to me I?" I asked. "Well no one knows what happened to you, but I had found you on the streets trying to get home. I took you there and then your grandmother drove you here. You've been in a coma for 1 month and 9 days, and you're recovering from bruised organs." he replied.

Wow. 1 month and 9 days? "When can I leave?" I asked him. "No one knew how long it was gonna take you to wake up, so I'm not sure. I'll call a nurse." he said. I watched him make his way over to me and press a button near the monitor. He looked at me and said, "I'm glad your okay." I just nodded and the nurse came in.

"How are you?" she asked me. "I'm good, but I have a splitting headache and my stomach hurts when I move." I responded. She came over to my IV and adjusted something. "There. That should be better. Do you remember anything?" I nodded. She asked me simple questions and I responded quickly to them all. She nodded her head approvingly. "I think you should stay a couple more days. Maybe two. You don't seem to have any head trauma, but your bruises need to heal a little more." she said. I thanked her and she left the room.

"You should relax and get some rest." Jc said. I quickly obeyed without any hesitation and closed my eyes.

I've Got my Head in the Clouds (Jc Caylen)Where stories live. Discover now