Chapter Five

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*Austin's POV*

I watched as my roommate snuck into our room after lights out. Our room. That's such a weird thing to say. I've always been an only child with a room to myself, so sharing a room with a complete stranger is really unusual.

Not only is he a complete stranger, but he also apparently doesn't speak. Not that I actually want to talk to him. Or anyone for that matter, but at least I still talk when necessary.

I don't know how I feel about this place. It's better than where I've been living the past couple years, but I still know no one and would much rather be out on my own.

All the scheduling and plans that this place has for me won't do shit. I just want to be left alone. I don't know why they don't just understand that. I don't want group therapy and I don't want to pour my life story out to a bunch of strangers that are just as fucked up as me, if not more.

I pushed all that out of my mind and sat up in my bed. I looked over and saw my roommate, Alan I think? He looked like he was sleeping already.

I don't remember falling asleep or waking up. It felt like I didn't even sleep. I probably just stared at the ceiling all night.

*Alan's POV*

When I woke up it was still dark. Well not completely dark, but it was still way before the doors unlocked and all that shit.

We had pretty big windows in our room, not able to be opened obviously, so I could look outside as the sun rose.

I still feel pretty awkward with Austin in the room. I don't know if that will ever really change but I'm okay with that. As long as we aren't forced to communicate or anything that would be okay. As long as he isn't like the others I've had to room with, had to live with. More topics I can't think about right now.

Since it's still early I decide to go get dressed quickly before Austin wakes up to prevent him from seeing my semi-revolting body. At least it looks like a body. A very marked up body but a body none the less.

After that was all over I went back towards the window. I always was fascinated by how beautiful the world could look for being such a shitty place. All the wonderful colors that can be seen and made without any interference of humans. It's always amazed me.


An hour or so later a knock on the door brought me out of my zoning out. When I looked towards the door I saw that Austin had already left. How did I not notice someone leaving the room?

Pushing away my unawareness of my surroundings, I went to open the door and was greeted with the tired faces of Jack and Alex.

"Hey bud, good morning. Are you ready to go to breakfast?" It's Jack that asks me this. I just nod and go to my bed to grab my notebook and pen then we're off.

Breakfast was the same old bunch of people sitting in the same places. Much of what is done here is a routine and has a certain rhythm that no one seems to disturb.

We all got our food and went over to Frank just like usual. This time I was a little more comfortable with him. He was kind enough to not get me in trouble for the whole being out of my room past lights out thing, and he was still letting me slide with not as much food as necessary. That would probably start to get better soon. It just takes me a while to adjust to new places.

When we got to our table, I saw that Austin was already sitting at the other end of it where he sat yesterday. Seeing him made me think of all the cuts and bruises and scars I saw on him last night. It send discomfort down my spine to think about.

'What's on the agenda today boys?' I wrote down, not really interested. I'm probably not going to do it. I'm not big on getting in big groups and I'm still a little freaked out by the outburst I witnessed.

"Oh well it seems like most of the day is free time. We have our individual meet ups with out therapists too. You haven't met yours yet have you?" Jack seemed pretty excited today judging by his speed of talking. He reminded me of an energetic puppy.

I shook my head. 'How do I know where to go? Or when to go for that matter?' This seemed like it would be a lot harder to get out of.

"Oh um that's easy peasy. We can- well more likely just you. I mean or you and Jack. I shit. I'm sorry," Alex tried to speak but choked on his words nervously. He started running his hand through his hair and smiled nervously at me. It looked forced so I tried my hardest to return it as genuine as I could.

"I think what Alex was trying to say," He started while putting a reassuring hand on Alex's leg, "Is that if you ask Frank, he can tell you your time and where to go. You could also probably ask him where it is! Or I could even show you. It's my that bad at all honestly you'll be fine." He gave a big lopsided grin at the end of the sentence.

'Oh alright. Thanks guys. I'm gonna go ask him now then. I'll be right back yeah?' I showed it to them to which they nodded and wished me luck and said goodbyes. I don't know why seeing as I should be right back.

Before I left I wrote down what I'm going to ask Frank. My handwriting read, 'Jack and Alex said that we have to meet with our therapists, but I don't know where to go or when or anything like that?'

When I got over there Frank was already looking at me. No sooner did I hand him my note, he was already speaking. "I'm glad you came over now. It's time for your therapy. I'm guessing you don't know where to go so I can take you if that's okay?" He looked at me waiting for an answer. I just nodded and looked over my shoulder at the table I just came from. "It's okay I'll tell them you had to go," he said, reading my mind.

We walked down several hallways that looked identical, yeah it's a very good thing that Frank helped him here because there is no way he could've just found this.

When we stopped in front of a door, I knew we reached where I had to go. "It'll be easy kid. Just tell them some stuff and give them things to work with. They just want to help you out okay? They want to help you get better. We all just want to help. It'll get you some privileges too. And don't think I haven't noticed you skipping out on group meets, so you better at least use this time." He gave one last quick nod and smile and left me in front of the door.

I raised my hand to knock but before my knuckles touched the door it opened and a young lady was standing there with a huge smile on her face.

She had many tattoos and piercings and semi-short hair put up in ponytails. She held out her hand and introduced herself. "I'm Griffon Ramsey. I'll be your therapist for your time here, you can just call me Griffon or whatever works for you."

I slowly put my hand out to shake her hand. This was going to be an interesting hour of my life.

Ayyy look at this shit. Do you see this?? And update that didn't take three months. I hope you enjoy it!! I just thought it would be cool to look into Austin's head oops

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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